Bernie ends the bed, good for stock market

Discussion in 'Options' started by ggelitetrader000, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. Just got a news today 4/8/2020, stock market is rallying not sure if it is due to pandemic easing in Europe and NY but id be damned if it is not partly due to Bernie's resignation.
    KCalhoun likes this.
  2. Cuddles


    old news, rally's over
  3. Pekelo


    Reading a giant Reddit thread (40K+ responses) lots of Bernie cultists won't vote for Biden. I was kind of expecting that. This is all on Bernie, if he can make a deal or just let his fans waste their potential, like 4 years ago.
    KCalhoun likes this.
  4. KCalhoun


    Good riddance.. hey look oil+
  5. Cuddles


    Bernie Cultists won't vote for Bernie, that's why he was crushed in the primaries...well that and the DNC coalition. I'd rather rely on the retired boomer vote than the barista "sticking it to the man".
    SunTrader likes this.
  6. Daxtrader


    All these doomers are sad that this bullshit virus is less deadly than the flu. There's only 2 reasons why China has had no new cases: 1. They are lying. 2. Millions were already infected months before the first case was detected and this virus probably has a death rate of .05%. To the CCP shills on this board, which one is it?

    I bet half the country already had covid. Without antibody tests, we'll never know. Coding covid deaths has become political to justify all the shutdowns.
  7. why did they flipped, i don't care about politics but may be just brief.
  8. Pekelo


    Human psychology. They are pissed their Idol is not the frontrunner. They kind of have a point too, but they knew what the nature of the game was when they started, so you have to play by the rules. They would rather have trump than the guy who knocked of their boss.
  9. i think they is too old. someone told also us not ready for this kind of candidate with social-demakrat view.