Bernanke popped the real estate bubble

Discussion in 'Economics' started by DeepFried, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. I can only guess that your chosen ET name was DeepFriedBrains, but it was too lengthy and was therefore truncated.
    #11     Feb 6, 2008
  2. This is why tax cuts are needed in an inflationary environment.
    Even if fiscal deficit may increase inflation a bit.
    #12     Feb 6, 2008
  3. gnome


    NO. What we NEED is fiscal restraint from the Gummint! E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G else pales by comparison.
    #13     Feb 6, 2008
  4. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Ive pontificated on tax stuff numerous times here on ET. If I was king of the world I would start off by lowering capital gains tax. At the very least allow people to discount inflation from the gains tax that is paid, but ideally cut them at least in half. Short term capital gains same thing, though it would probably be harder to justify, and if they did stay the same it would not be the end of the world. Corp. taxes should also be lowered, a lot, we have the second highest rate in the developed world, with such high taxes it is little wonder that jobs are leaving. And finally we need a government that realizes its fiat currency in the long term is only as good as its finances, we are already seeing this with the dollar. The government needs to tighten its belt up, certainly nothing good is going to come out of adding all of the social programs everyone seems to be screaming about wanting.
    #14     Feb 6, 2008
  5. RhinoGG

    RhinoGG Guest

    I make about 28,500 in income from my job at the "mart". But, I told Countrywide I made 220k/yr when I applied for my mortgage of 750k a few years ago. I havent made a mortgage payment in over 9 months since the rate reset, but we're still in the home. I figure we'll just walk away from in in a few more months, you know, in the summertime when the livin is easy.

    Do you think I may be part of the problem.
    Oops, sorry bout that 'merica.
    #15     Feb 6, 2008
  6. So the real estate bubble has not been popped? I'll be darned. My mistake. :D Well, not just mine. Apparently, the entire real estate market is operating under some kind of mass delusion.
    #16     Feb 6, 2008
  7. gnome


    Yeah, might have been "popped", but had NOTHING to do with Bernanke... he's been fighting toot and nail to NOT allow it to pop.
    #17     Feb 6, 2008
  8. This is the type of well-reasoned, intelligent, philosophical counter-argument I've learned to expect and enjoy here at
    Thanks for rising to the occassion, Jay! :D Good work! :D
    #18     Feb 6, 2008
  9. Yes, as I've been informed by gnome, the real estate bubble has not been popped and, even if it had, Bernanke had nothing to do with it. :D
    #19     Feb 6, 2008
  10. gnome


    Hey man, if you're gonna talk SHIT, don't attribute it to me. I never said "RE bubble has not been popped"... maybe it has, maybe not. But if so, it has NOT "been popped by Bennie", but rather "over his dead body". He's fighting tooth-and-nail to keep it afloat. (Just one of the reasons he's a pipsqueak little cocksucker, who promised to kiss Bush's ass to get the job, and should NOT be Fed chairman. Where are Paul Volker and the next Andrew Jackson when we need them? You don't understand the relevance of these pleas? Perhaps you'd benefit from studying some American and World financial history...)

    Andrew Jackson's likeness is on American Currency. Why is that? It's because he's a great, GREAT American leader and hero!!

    If you don't understand what he stood for and what he did, you NEED to look into it. If you did, you'd PUKE, P-U-K-E on Bush, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Obama... none of them represent the DUNG of 2 DEAD FLIES by comparison to TRUE American leaders...

    All[?] of the politicos today are little more than self-serving, lying, thieving SOBs who want to exercise power over the American people and line their own pockets from the public purse. If you believe otherwise, you need to pull your head out of your ass!
    #20     Feb 6, 2008