Benghazi was no fluke

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PHOENIX TRADING, Oct 25, 2012.

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    obama is a muslim with an affinity for terrorists and anti-americans.
  2. LEAPup


    Wow!!!!!!!!! And love his slip up about his Muslim, er.... Christian faith! What a tee total piece of shit!!!!!! I would love to see him in an orange jumpsuit, handcuffed on his way to the clink! That's where he needs to be, and I'm not kidding.
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  7. pspr


    Would you dress up like this if you weren't a Muslim?

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  9. obama arms radical islamists to bring down Muammar Gaddafi

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    White-house watched attack on live feed, does nothing.

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  10. Botched october surprise?

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    #10     Oct 25, 2012