Ben Shapiro: Why Aren't Democrats Proud to be American?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by qxr1011, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. qxr1011


  2. "Tribal psychology is so deeply measurable that even when we don't have tribes, we go ahead and make them, because it's fun".
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  3. RRY16


    You’ve been getting sloppy 2nds your whole life.
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    A racist President and around 40 % of the country being racist might be a start.
    Slartibartfast likes this.
  5. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Yeah,the draft dodging,gold star family and pow insulting tax avoiding biggest liar in presidential history who conspired with Russia to win the office patriot.
  6. In a lot of ways Optionpro007 embodies a lot of what makes a perfect trumper model. Low imagination, gullibility, relative poverty etc. etc.

    If you could change his mind on anything that should work on the general populace.
    Tony Stark likes this.
  7. That's simple.

    Democraps are not only "not proud to be American", they actually HATE AMERICA.

    And of course you'd expect nothing less. After all they're really Communists at heart.

    (You know... America hates Communism, Communism hates America.)
    Clubber Lang likes this.

  8. Republicans are so proud to be American that they've gone Nazi. They can't stand the idea that America is the melting pot.
    Slartibartfast likes this.
  9. Optionpro007 and the like think the 'left' are Nazis, the anti-fascists are fascists and it is all just good fun anyway, just a way for them to relax on ET with no consequence.

    Oh and yeah, there are lots of Nazi types in the GOP but these are unavoidable due to free speech don't you know..

    Love the flag, love the office not the man and then they piss on the memories of tens of millions dead. And when you make them squirm a bit, they just skip right past because this is just their bit of fun.

    This image is just a leftist bit of self-indulgence, part of the team battle.. fake news.

    #10     Jul 12, 2018
    destriero likes this.