Belief In God Plummets Among Youth

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. its a fallback position. education has worked to the point where even most christians cant swallow the 6 day creation myth. still they have to find a way to rationalize their belief so they retreated to intelligent design.

    "science is giving christians new and interesting gaps for them to cram their ever-diminishing god into – but the inevitable effect of that is to make the god they’re arguing for the nebulous existence of so far removed from the god of the bible as to make it a completely separate entity."
    #71     Jun 20, 2012
  2. kut2k2


    Exactly. Jem seems not to understand that he is arguing for Deism, not Christianity. LOL
    #72     Jun 20, 2012