Belief in God and Market Perspective

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by FredBloggs, Jul 26, 2008.

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  1. But isn't that pretty much the same thing? Asking god for wisdom (effectively more wisdom than the other guy has) is indirectly asking god to let you win in the markets. All you're asking is "Don't bend the markets in my favor, Big Guy, just give me wisdom (to effectively prevail and beat the other guy)." That back door approach to the same outcome is downright spiritual, if you ask me.
    #11     Jul 26, 2008
  2. Why do you think one either has to believe or not believe?

    As for me, I dont know whether there is a God or not.

    I dont go to church
    I dont pray
    I dont read bibles or follow religion
    I dont hand around bible pushers

    I just live my life.
    I follow all rules and laws.
    I harm no one.
    I lead an honest life.
    and i help others when i can.

    Yet, according to the believers, the born again people, I will burn in hell for life everlasting....... because i dont believe.

    Bah... hogwash!
    God is not that insecure about his ego that he burns people for eternity simply because they didnt believe. Grob maybe.... God no.
    #12     Jul 26, 2008
  3. The only thing you need to know about God is, You are not HIM!!! :)
    #13     Jul 26, 2008

  4. Never gone even a mile above the posted speed limit

    Never even taken a single penny from anyone in your entire life

    Never spoken ill of anyone at any time

    Never did anything wrong ever.

    It must be hard to be so perfect.
    #14     Jul 27, 2008
  5. well no not perfect... i just do the best i can, no never stole from anyone ever.

    never smoked pot, ever

    i did speed one time.... very bad. I had a slightly modified corvette, i did 151mph at night on a freeway.

    and i cuss.... so no not perfect

    and sometimes i make fun of Grob..... but is that really bad??
    #15     Jul 27, 2008
  6. The only thing you need to know is that to know God is to know that you are his equal having been given everything, and are everything, as are all in the Kingdom of Reality, without heirarchy. What, then, are you doing buying and selling pork bellies praying to a god who rewards "winners", and punishes "losers"? Must be some kind of mind game.:)

    #16     Jul 27, 2008
  7. Indeed. The belief in winning and losing engenders a world in which one must constantly win, or else lose. This interferes with Reality. God knows he gave his Creation everything, and that all in his Kingdom have everything. So such a belief does not make sense to him. Salvation would correct this (mis)perception of Reality.

    Meanwhile, the most profitable prayer in this regard is to not come to God with specific problems because problems are actually "idols" which deny the inheritance he gave you, and make communication meaningless. Pray instead to understand what you have been given, and how you have seemingly tossed it away to scrape for scraps of food. Pray to be re-given what can never be sold, given away, or taken away. Pre-give "everything" to *everyone*, beginning with symbolic gesture such as a simple silent thought toward everyone: "I give you everything". Everything is indeed yours to give. As this becomes more real to you, your giving will become more and more powerful and evidently manifest. And as you give, you will recieve. Give all to all, and receive all. This is how to bring back your awareness of abundance, and to experience it actually.

    #17     Jul 27, 2008

  8. that was my point...pascal's wager is easily discredited.
    #18     Jul 27, 2008
  9. One thing that all the major religions teach is humility. The markets also teach humility.

    How long it takes you to absorb this lesson is up to you, and will correlate directly with how successful you are in the markets.
    #19     Jul 28, 2008
  10. A professor of critical thinking once posed a question to the effect of -- if God is omnipotent, could he create a boulder so heavy that he himself could not even move it?

    Don't be so quick to formalize the big mysteries in terms of simple logic.
    Even logic has limitations (Read some B. Russel).

    "The limits of my language means the limits of my world."
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    #20     Jul 28, 2008
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