“Becoming Warren Buffett,” the Man, Not the Investor

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by dealmaker, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. dealmaker


  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Everything I've read about Buffett has indicated that he pretty much sucks as a husband and a father, so although he has created a lot of value for a lot people from a monetary standpoint, that value is due in large part because he has very little involvement in his family life.

    Even his children have described him as extremely difficult to talk to, and his ex wife, Susan, described him as more like a child that needs to be taken care of more than anything else. Since Warren was so "checked out" emotionally, Susan said that she had to learn to live a parallel life on her own. Although she wanted to connect with Warren on a deeper level and was always available for such, he just rarely opened up. She eventually realized that the bond she was looking for wasn't ever going to happen, so she moved to San Francisco, and another woman named Astrid Menks moved in to be a caretaker for Warren because he was, and still is, absolutely unable to do anything for himself around the house.

    Although I admire Buffett from a financial standpoint, he's certainly no role model of mine in the husband and father departments.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    newwurldmn likes this.
  3. dealmaker


    "Intensity is the price of excellence"
    -Warren Buffett
  4. dealmaker


  5. dealmaker


    As per "The Snowball" by Alice Schroeder sucking as a husband ( 1st marriage) is his biggest regret.