becoming emotionless

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Rocko1, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. Can't be done, useless endeavor. Write a business plan for trading and treat it as such. Everything else is physco babble bullshit.
    #21     Nov 3, 2006
  2. Try having your amygdala removed. DIY approach is not recommended :D
    #22     Nov 3, 2006
  3. Rocko1


    thanks for all the responses guys. I figured it's probably not possible to completely take out emotions unless you become a robot or something.
    I've read Trading In The Zone a year ago, and it wasn't much help at the time. It was at the point where I read up on mathematics regarding stats and probabilities where trading got easier.
    However I still find myself taking profit too early at times against the trading plan though, hence this search for more material on the "psycho babble bs" :)
    #23     Nov 3, 2006
  4. If you know more now about stats and probability, then read TITZ again, particularly the section on Thinking Like A Trader. It's all there.

    And you needn't be a robot.

    #24     Nov 3, 2006
  5. I think that the day you will truly become emotionless is the day you become motionless.
    #25     Nov 3, 2006
  6. A trip to Pattaya (Thailand) or Rio (Brazil) will do just the trick. There is a very nice beach and lots of scenery in both places. Lots of culture and things to do. The price is very affordable.

    The other part is the adult women. Prostitution seems to be acceptable and lawful in both places. Even if your not into prostitutes, you stand a better chance of picking up there then in America. After a trip to either place, you will come back a new man. Beaches, sun, and the ladies. It doesnt get any better then that.
    #26     Nov 3, 2006
  7. Trish


    LOL that is hilarious. So bad.
    #27     Nov 3, 2006
  8. Trish


    I don't get the fly or float part.

    Met a trader at a seminar who took 5k and turned it into 650k and KEPT it. He said he is very emotionless about placing his stops. He was one of the few traders I've seen who didn't have dark circles under his eyes.
    #28     Nov 3, 2006
  9. Rocko1


    Is that all he said? Did he mention anything about how he stayed emotionless?
    #29     Nov 3, 2006
  10. i am not trying to sound all zen and stuff :l


    enforcing the discipline to ALWAYS take your stops is a process that, ... well...

    it was (looking over my trading results) the ONLY reason i wasn't profitable - not always taking my stops.

    as soon as i realized that, and internalized it, and made the decision I was going to be a professional trader - that was it.

    i slipped up twice in a 6 month period after that, and both times (as a sort of punishment) i forced myself to stop trading for 1 week AND take my trading account down to $2500 (which limited me to 1 contract). then, I slowly built back up to $6k (which is a nice size for trading 3 to 4 contracts) and learned my lesson.

    when u finally get to the level where taking a stop is actually a RELEASE. it's like "ok. the trade went against me. i followed my methodology, but trading is probabilistic, not deterministic. no matter how good i get, i will always have losing trades. now, on to my next trade". it was liberating. i'm not saying i was quite "happy" to have a stop hit, but there is a real freedom in being able to take a stop and NOT take it as an indictment of your trading style, your skillz, etc.

    it's not that u need to be emotionless, as much as u need to try to take your ego out of the trading equation. overconfidence and euphoria cause overtrading, cause you to not take your targets and see large wins turn into small wins or even losses, cause you to overtrade, and take reckless trades, cause you think you can't lose.

    i really think the day when i decided once and for all to NEVER move my stops was the day I became, while not emotionless, a pure professional trader.

    and i have been consistently profitable ever since.

    when u trade futures, and u watch your DOM, and u see price action STAMPEDING towards your stop, you have to leave it in place and just say 'goodbye' to that trade.
    #30     Nov 3, 2006