because I understand better than most, I am scared, I hope The FED knows their sh%t

Discussion in 'Forex' started by IQ139, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Why don't you take a trip down to fuckoffittyland and hide your guns and butter.
    i'm prepared for redneck trash like you. always.
    #41     Mar 24, 2009
  2. I knew some Jews that used to go to Nazi rallies and protest. They had some balls for sure. One, Sammy, was a big guy, he looked a little overweight. When he was sixteen years old, he could put in a fifteen hour day tossing hay bales on a wagon, sometimes piled higher than his head, on a Kibbutz... I sort of hope that ZOG mouths off at somebody like Sammy some day... I just want the footage :)
    #42     Mar 24, 2009