Be honest American Catholics

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by trendlover, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. stu


    Good point trendlover.

    These are people making political edicts based on nothing more than the crass and imbecilic contradictions of a religious impression, which ignores the facts of life and bans a means by which young teens giving birth, unwanted pregnancies, abortions and HIV aids are massively reduced.

    Their guilt ridden contraceptive -free or otherwise- using followers, in the practice of doing the opposite of what is being preached to them, sanctimoniously proclaim they'll become better people by supporting the crass imbecilic contradiction they are guilty of disregarding.

    Takes a hypocrite or a Catholic.
    #11     Oct 6, 2012
  2. jem


    those fricken religious people who believe in a Creator and the constitution and justice are also against infanticide and genocide... man where do they get such a guilt ridden moral compass. Lets just kill all people who take up resources and don't vote communist.

    Typical communist who does not appreciate that the basis of society stems from its respect for the value of life.
    #12     Oct 6, 2012
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Yes. I think Obama understand this problem in the USA. This is the same money problem Obama try to fix with health care for all people. You have in the USA poor people go to emergency room for free now. They have no choice when they need help and no insurance. And poster Mr. Bill is saying many times on the ET that Obama plan can make more people pay to the system. More people will pay something, not nothing. So no free stuff like nutmeg want to say. I think Obama try to stop free ER care that go to charity to pay He try to make all people pay something.

    And to Jem, really stu is not communist thinking. No. I see stu is opposite of communist thinking.
    #13     Oct 6, 2012
  4. There's no question that our health care system has serious problems. But Obamacare is not the solution.

    Obamacare is huge gift to health insurance companies.

    -- Demand for healthcare will increase dramatically.

    -- Very little increase in supply.

    -- No effective way to control costs.

    End Result: massive increases in health care costs and health insurance premiums.

    Can you hear that cackling noise? It's the sound of healthcare executives laughing all the way to the bank.
    #14     Oct 7, 2012
  5. 83% of abortions are by unmarried women. Its idiotic to think that of those women that are catholic, those that are listening to the part about birth control, are not listening to the part about pre-marital sex.

    As for the married ones, 4.5% of abortions are by married catholic women. (and before you go into the debate about poverty and having too many kids, only about half of those are low income)

    So when you cry about the catholic church causing poverty by not letting women get abortions, you are talking about only a few thousand people who will have hardship if they dont have an abortion. And guess what...if one of those few thousand women want an abortion...they are still free to hit up the payday loan people and pay for it themselves.
    #15     Oct 7, 2012
  6. more examples of why religious superstition is dangerous. it makes people stupid.
    the religious claim to hate abortion and here we have evidence that the abortion rate could be cut in half overnight yet the religious will not go there because they think an invisible man in the sky might not approve.
    #16     Oct 8, 2012
  7. jem


    the arrogance you display about the invisible man in the sky... when the worlds best scientists tell you that our universe appears designed or you can choose to have faith in unseen untested unobserved almost infinite universe theory.

    #17     Oct 8, 2012
  8. so now you are claiming biblegod created the universe? you are funny. if a scientist ever uses the word designed in any context. "i designed a new bathroom for my house". jem will twist it around to mean the guy supports intelligent design.
    #18     Oct 8, 2012
  9. jem


    is it fun maintaining your ignorance of science in the face of overwhelming science against you.

    “If there is only one universe,” British cosmologist Bernard Carr says, “you might have to have a fine-tuner. If you don’t want God, you’d better have a multiverse.” (Discover, December 2008)

    #19     Oct 8, 2012
  10. translation. we dont know yet so we might have to stick a god in there. god of the gaps theory.

    "science is giving christians new and interesting gaps for them to cram their ever-diminishing god into – but the inevitable effect of that is to make the god they’re arguing for the nebulous existence of so far removed from the god of the bible as to make it a completely separate entity."
    #20     Oct 8, 2012