BB just makes the rich richer, but what's left for the American working people?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by TILT2, May 22, 2013.

  1. TILT2


    I wonder.
  2. What's "left for", or what's "in it" for anybody is what they make of it for themselves.

    Nobody deserves nor is righteously entitled to anything except for what they EARN...
  3. TILT2


    Look at the employment rate, I bet the rich people would ask BB for another stamulus plan to send the stock to rocket high so they can just sit there and make money.
  4. You sound like you're jealous because the rich get richer while you don't. Whose fault is that? (Hint: YOURS!)

    Stop whining. If you want to be rich, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
  5. You sound like you're jealous because the rich get richer while you don't. Whose fault is that? (Hint: YOURS!)

    Stop whining. If you want to be rich, DO SOMETHING* ABOUT IT!

    (* And no, I don't mean "vote for Socialism/Communism/Nazi-ism wealth redistribution of wealth")

    "Capital" makes money. Wages pay only for the basics. If you want to become rich, you need to accumulate capital. Even if you are unable or unwilling to do what it takes to acquire capital, you still have no right to bitch about those who do.
  6. TILT2


    What's wrong with you? Are you high? All you said has nothing to do with my topic.
  7. Pardon? You're bitching because the non-rich aren't benefiting like you say they should... what am I missing? If that's not right, then what is your point??