Barry Burns --

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by ScaleOut, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. This board appears to have more than it's fair share of fools, who have nothing better to do with their time than go around calling GENUINE people (who have actually purchased a product and got value from it) liars and shills?!?

    I also refer you to the last line of my first post on this thread (p5). How very predictable you are.

    (PS.Can't find the notification off button)
    #41     Apr 23, 2010
  2. You have a total of 9 posts, and 7 of them are on this thread about this product. It is highly unlikely a neutral person would devote this kind of attention to someone else's product. And you unsubbed because he challeneged why you are being so bubbly towards a non-sponsor - who is that fragile?

    I agree with the person you are dueling with above. You are a SHILL
    #42     Apr 23, 2010
  3. This board appears to have more than it's fair share of fools, who have nothing better to do with their time than go around calling GENUINE people (who have actually purchased a product and got value from it) liars and shills?!?

    I also refer you to the last line of my first post on this thread (p5). How very predictable you are.
    #43     Apr 23, 2010
  4. Your weak concept of proof and defense is that somehow, saying you (Fibbin-Archie) are not what you (Fibbin-Archie) clearly appear only makes you (Fibbin-Archie) the truly pitiful klutz you (Fibbin-Archie) are. You (Fibbin-Archie) are now up to 8 of 10 total posts here trying to defend why you (Fibbin-Archie) are not a shill even though you (Fibbin-Archie) keep obsessing.

    You (Fibbin-Archie) will be on ignore before your next post that even more cements that the previous poster was right about you (Fibbin-Archie). But you may continue getting more typing practice, below...
    #44     Apr 24, 2010
  5. Ha ha, you've been fretting over this for a day and that lame post is the best you can manage? What do you think you're a moderator or something?

    You should build a bridge and GET OVER IT! Better still get a life.

    As I've stated, I have no connection, (but what's the point of arguing, you'll clearly only believe what you want to believe). However, if I did have a connection then I'd suggest seeking legal counsel over potential libel. There are laws in place to protect people from malicious character defamation you know.

    Don't expect any more replies tonight as I'm out on the town.

    Cheers. :)
    #45     Apr 24, 2010
  6. I just happen to watched one of his youtube videos and then just saw this thread. No way this guy makes a dime from trading. Period.
    #46     Apr 24, 2010
  7. Well it's clearly sparked some kind of interest mate otherwise you wouldn't start searching forums for info, and how do you know he's never made any wonga? Have you seen his trading account?

    What do you use then Mr. Big Stuff?

    Ps. Still out on the town, using an iPhone. :D
    #47     Apr 24, 2010
  8. Yeah, he makes millions from trading. That's why he also runs this scam as well


    Also he calls himself a Doctor. His so called degree is below:

    He's a Doctor of SCAM. He must have you under one of his spells. LOL.
    #48     Apr 24, 2010
  9. What and you think that you can achieve that sort of income by flogging a shyte product, do you?

    Come on, I'm open minded, what do you suggest then??? Throwing darts?
    #49     Apr 24, 2010
  10. God what a hang-over, getting too old for binge drinking..

    Operator, well thanks for not accusing me of being a shill.

    To be honest the whole "MLM" look and feel of his marketing was a bit of an obstacle for me at first and I pretty much thought as you do now.

    But then we are living in the "new media age" and internet marketing is possibly the most effective form of business (should that be ebusiness, or is that term old hat now?) for taking a digital product to market.

    With regard to his education, he's quite open about it and if he's got a PHD then I guess he's entitled to prefix his name with Dr. What's the problem? Also it's a psychology related discipline and many believe that psychology plays a big part in price action, so it's kinda related, sort of.

    So as I was saying, I pretty much thought as you do now. I took his free course anyway and was that impressed I figured why not spend the price of a few commissions and get it.

    A good decision as it transpired as it's decent stuff, I possibly wouldn't recommend it to advanced & experienced, CONSISTENT traders, but if you're struggling with your consistency and are still constructing a technical method then it's ideal.

    That is of course my own honest opinion, don't take my word for it, do your own research and draw your own conclusions.

    And to whoever: don't reply to me if all you want to do is start a silly little playground fight, because it makes you feel big and strong tapping away on your keyboard.
    #50     Apr 25, 2010