Baron's Journey to Single-Digit Bodyfat

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. Sprout


    Your journey is interesting, may it continue to the accomplishment of your goals.

    I just did the Master Cleanse diet, the one with just drinking a couple of juiced lemons, dark maple syrup and cayenne on the daily. In the last three weeks, in combo with elliptical 15m then up to 30m/daily, basic resistance training, shedded 20 lbs. I can see my abs again and feel SO MUCH BETTER !!!

    Currently, my routine is stalled due to gym closure of the quarantine and looking for at home exercises to engage in. After a couple of days on the cleanse, no hunger and the surprising thing was I still had energy to work-out.

    Something that helped me was Deepak Chopra's "What are you hungry for?" which generated transformational awareness which supported changing habits around fulfillment on all levels; ie. spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
    #501     Mar 20, 2020
    Baron likes this.
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Congrats on the weight loss. How long did you do that diet and how did you feel on a day-to-day basis? Because on the surface it sounds like you'd be starving and miserable on a diet like that.
    #502     Mar 20, 2020
  3. Sprout


    It’s been over three weeks now. Since the beginning of this week, now a modified version of it keto style. Still drinking the lemonade but now eating salads/meat during a 5-6hr window.

    The first day was hard, got a headache, lot’s of hunger but then I got fresher organic cayenne which helped a lot. It warmed the belly, eased the hunger and increased my metabolism. The trick I believe is to drink as much of the juice as you are hungry.

    My ratio per mason jar quart was:
    2 lemons
    2 TBSP Maple
    1/8tsp Cayenne.

    They called on 3 lemons/ 6TBSP Maple per quart but that was too sweet for me. I started to add fresh ground ginger too which I enjoy.

    After the third day my energy increased so that doing 30m/daily on the elliptical was doable and I modified that to be heart rate cardio focused. Prior I would just run as fast as I could but then I discovered the way to build cardio was to take 185 and subtract one’s age and exert to keep the heart rate the same throughout the exercise. The fat literally just melted off. No desire to eat until earlier this week and that was due to my routine being disrupted. The literature says one can go upto 40 days with no ill effects. I was shooting for that but the fat came off so fast I wanted to slow it down a bit so that my skin could keep up and not sag.

    The maple syrup was difficult to source at first in that grade B (less refined more minerals) is now marketed as Grade A dark.

    The daily fat shedding was also very motivational. I highly recommend it. The diet’s been around forever.

    You’re pretty built, this would get you shredded in no time!
    #503     Mar 20, 2020
    #504     Jun 27, 2021
  5. It has been almost 3 years since that post. You guys were kind enough to agree that the BF% was overstated. Well, this morning, the scale clocked me at 15.9%. So, if it is still overstating the number on a consistent basis, then I guess I'm doing well. :)

    Interestingly, I've only been doing only one full workout a week for the last few weeks, with only an added ~6-minute ~HIIT session midweek.
    #505     Jun 15, 2022
  6. tango29


    I was just thinking about this thread yesterday. I have the chance to be part of a PhD project where they are using 3 different measures for body fat as part of their study. I just have to get down to Alabama 2 times at least 6 weeks apart. The last time down there the person running it was out of town. It maybe for the better as I probably don't actually want to know I am by scientific measures, a fat ass.
    #506     Jun 15, 2022
  7. Sounds like something I'd like to participate in if it were closer.
    #507     Jun 15, 2022