Baron - The Time Has Come For This Site To Ban The "zionist" Threadmongers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rcanfiel, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Mercor


    Good point, as clear as day.

    Israel allows Arabs to vote.
    None of the Muslim states allow their Palestinians population to vote
    #31     Feb 17, 2008
  2. Nonsense, Israel has never received aid from the UK and the US aid to Israel started in the mid 70s, at that time Israel had successfully sustained and defended itself for almost 30 years. Get your facts straight.
    #32     Feb 17, 2008
  3. seker2k


    If she can defend herself free of US aid and intervention, why does she still accept aid from the US taxpayer, and never pays back the US taxpayer for her help?

    If she hasn't had help from the UK, how do you answer:

    Papers reveal UK's nuclear aid to Israel

    "Fresh and apparently incriminating documents have come to light under the Freedom of Information Act on the way Britain helped Israel obtain its nuclear bomb 40 years ago, by selling it 20 tonnes of heavy water.

    The Whitehall files not only confirm that Britain was a knowing party to the deal, but also contain subsequent intelligence assessments confirming that the sale of heavy water, which is used to produce plutonium, was crucial to Israel's nuclear weapons programme."
    #33     Feb 17, 2008
  4. Let's be clear: any UK, US or Israeli soldier would LOVE to genocide or torture an arab. It's bred into them.

    Don't kid youself about this liberation crap. We are a very racist and dangerous group and we need oil. We also use WMD at whim to quell the local populace and take their treasures.

    Iraq didn't need rebuilding until the "liberators" destroyed the necessities of life. That's terror, FYI. Those iraqi's must be strong people to withstand that.

    Whereas we can't even handle 10 hours of RIMM's Blackberry service being down.
    #34     Feb 17, 2008
  5. Mercor


    Do you have anything nice to say about Palestine?
    Lets say the west has been duped into israel support.
    What case can you make to get more support from the west?
    Egypt found a way to get a billions dollars a year....sign a piece of paper with israel.
    Israel found a way as you say.
    Saudi arabia found a way...oil

    What is your plan to help your people?
    #35     Feb 17, 2008
  6. If she can defend herself free of US aid and intervention, why does she still accept aid from the US
    Lol, desperate and logically challenged, aren't we? so if Israel accepts cash from a willing contributor it's your proof that it can't sustain itself.

    If she hasn't had help from the UK, how do you answer:
    You were talking about financial aid and Israel's sustainability without it. The fact that Israel and the western world share technology (including nuclear technology) and that the UK sold (not donated) heavy water to Israel is not in dispute but is completely irrelevant to your previous claims.

    Try again, sucker2k
    #36     Feb 17, 2008
  7. seker2k


    Obviously a country, especially an industrialized country, full of a race of people superior to others in the world (your belief, not mine), would not need the crutch and dependance of aid from another foreign country to survive.

    Desperate is Israel, needing another country to, insure her survival.
    #37     Feb 17, 2008
  8. [​IMG]

    It's actually ironic that you implicitly recognize that Israel's survival is in danger. I suppose we can agree that it's the Muslims, not Martians that threaten Israel.
    #38     Feb 17, 2008
  9. It's obvious that the jews are the primary threat to Israel. Without them, there would likely be peace in the area.
    #39     Feb 17, 2008
  10. seker2k


    #40     Feb 17, 2008