Baron - Is Zionist Fascism a fun joke for you and ET?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WAEL012000, Apr 5, 2007.

Is it kosher to post similar hate to that posted by Bruto?

Poll closed Apr 10, 2007.
  1. No it is not! what applies to bruto does not apply to anyone else.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Yes it is! It is free speech

    7 vote(s)
  3. No it is not. Hate propoganda is hate propoganda!

    6 vote(s)
  4. There is a big difference between hate directed against Arabs and Muslims and that that is directed

    5 vote(s)
  1. Sure, there are bad apples in all walks of life. On the matter of policy though, some might interpret having a specific military procedure which entails the use of human shields as indeed being policy i.e. not just the work of a few bad apples.

    A recent article in the Jerusalem Post sums it up briefly:

    "The High Court of Justice has rejected the use of Palestinian civilians in military operations according to a military practice which the army called the "Neighborhood Procedure." According to the procedure, the army said it would ask Palestinian civilians to volunteer to enter buildings suspected of harboring terrorists and urge them to give themselves up. But the court rejected the procedure, saying that civilians facing armed troops would be hard pressed to reject such requests."
    #51     Apr 6, 2007
  2. If you want to play this game then show me something that states that the occupation is illegal. Yeah, that pesky little thing called the burden of proof.

    Show me the findings of a court of law with a presiding judge, with attorneys representing both sides and making their cases, show me a jury that deliberated and deemed Israeli actions and the occupation illegal. Isn't that how the issue of illegality of actions is decided in civilized societies, it's not based on your or my of Wael's opinion of what is and is not illegal, it's based of jury determinations.

    So show me a court decision making the occupation illegal. Cause Israel is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
    #52     Apr 6, 2007
  3. Sam321


    Why argue about land disputes when the Palestinians CHOOSE to remain stateless? Israel should take all the land and exile the troublemakers to neighboring states, and eject Syria out of Lebanon. That way, Iran, Syria, and others can no longer hide behind proxy cultures of death residing in stateless territories surrounding Israel.
    Most of whom teach political science in Western universities spreading anti-Israel/anti-western propaganda. Most of whom are Arabs that call themselves Palestinians because they had an uncle who lived there. They are the biggest enablers of this mess.

    The American media has been ridiculed for reporting Palestinian lies and fauxtography at face value, without any independent verification. They are still trying to repair their reputations after the recent conflict in Lebanon. Conservative bloggers caught them red-handed.

    Other media outlets abroad continue to believe everything Palestinians say because after all, "poor and desperate people never lie."

    If the 435 Palestinians were in fact killed by Israelis, then these were probably 435 failed suicide bombing attempts. The only reason why there has been scarcely any suicide bombings the past year is because Israel has improved its defensive tactics, to counter this neighboring youth-culture of death, aided and abetted by the Arab/Muslim World.
    #53     Apr 6, 2007
  4. "IDF Judge Advocate-General Brig.-Gen. Avichai Mandelblit ordered the Military Police Thursday night to launch the criminal investigation into the allegations. "

    If allegations are investigated by the Military Police the alleged actions are obviously against the official policy and are in fact attributed to a few bad apples. Thanks for confirming my point.
    #54     Apr 6, 2007
  5. You did attack Israel several times, you did refuse to recognize it, you keep threatening to wipe Israel off the map, Hamas and Hezbollah do vow to never stop their jihad and their view are very popular among the Palestinians and Lebanese.

    But forget Israel for a second, let's take a look at Iraq. Americans soldiers in Iraq don't kill Iraqis, Iraqis kill Iraqis, shia kill sunni and vice versa. Israel does not kill palestinians in Gaza today, Palestinians kill Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas kill Fatah and vice versa. And don't get me started on Darfur and Rwanda, 9/11 and London subway bombing, Madrid train station bombing and bombings in India, Bali, Moscow.
    #55     Apr 6, 2007
  6. Burden or proof, yes. You claim legal, I say prove it beyond your typical fantasy projections...

    Typical neocon who also claims US war in Iraq was legal, that occupation of Iraq is legal, blah, blah, blah.

    An occupier via military force is innocent until proven differently?

    Your lack of sanity is now showing itself...

    The UN knows that the US would block any attempt by the security council to try and hold Israel responsible, so they gave up long ago even trying.

    You really do live in a neocon you will be saying USSR occupation of Afghanistan was legal because they were not tried in a court of law and found to be violating the law...

    Oh, and by the way, show me a court that Israel would abide by that found it to be illegal....

    I can't stop laughing even thinking about that idea, as if Israel would ever pay attention to what any external court would say...
    #56     Apr 6, 2007
    #57     Apr 6, 2007
  8. Khahaha

    You know what that makes you DDD? A bigger terrorist than the Israeli soldier who is dragging that kid in front of him.

    Buddy, you are a fake!

    The following video shuts you up!
    #58     Apr 6, 2007
  9. "a military practice which the army called the "Neighborhood Procedure.""

    It may be against official policy but it is/was de facto policy; not just the brainchild or tool of a few bad apples.

    The official response that allegations will be investigated are par for the course especially given the IDF had issued previous committments not to use human shields.

    At any rate, we agree that this practice has taken place: Israeli soldiers using Palestinians as human shields.

    Perhaps we disagree on how widespread the practice is or has been.
    #59     Apr 6, 2007
  10. The burden of proof is on the prosecution (accuser) - you in this case. But you already know that, don't you. And as I said the UN refused repeatedly to condemn Israel and refused to call its actions illegal. And any action is legal until proven illegal, any entity is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. But you know that too, don't you.

    Your hatred and emotional hysteria don't replace facts and common sense, you know.
    #60     Apr 6, 2007