Barney Frank: Pitcher Or Catcher?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. EPrado


    Let me get this straight...

    Republicans :" We were already set to pass this thing...but what Pelosi said made us mad :( "

    Gimme a break......these guys are being crybabies.
    #11     Sep 29, 2008
  2. You're not even close to getting it.

    1. Anything that divorces the GOP from Bush is bullish GOP.

    2. Pelosi fucked up big time with her speech on the floor.

    Bottom line: Pelosi's future tenure as Speaker can be measured in months. She's done.
    #12     Sep 29, 2008
  3. EPrado


    Pabst....all I see on TV is a bunch of whining Republicans blaming something Pelosi said that changed their votes. Come on man...thats weak. Either you are for this bill or against it.

    Letting what she said influencing your vote is weak in my opinion.

    I see your point about the GOP and a good one....but I think if the dow gets clipped for 2000-3000 points by election time, people will look back and blame the republicans for not getting this thing passed. Unfortuneatly for McCain....he will take a huge hit on this.
    #13     Sep 29, 2008
  4. Moderator, please, delete this thread already, or at least move it to where it belongs--the gutter.
    #14     Sep 29, 2008
  5. I agree blaming the Speaker's rhetoric is weak but those statements are coming from the weaklings in the GOP leadership who ALSO lost. Don't get me wrong this isn't the best political day in John Boehner's life either. It was a "fuck you" to him from the conservative rank and file in the GOP delegation.

    I gotta laugh at Obama too. Sen. Change-the man without solutions-couldn't hesitate to fingerpoint "how we got in this mess". A real uniter/leader, lol.

    McCain should seize this as a populist Main St vs. Wall St issue. I don't know that he's smart enough to pull it off though.

    #15     Sep 29, 2008
  6. EPrado


    I just think this whole mess today is gonna hurt McCain big time. In the was the Rebublicans who let this thing fall today. I dont think a a majority of the people will look at today as The GOP saying fuck you to Bush.

    I could be wrong.

    I am anxiously awaiting the VP debate.....cant wait to see your girl Palin up there. Is gonna be a train wreck. :)

    I am suprised a guy as smart as you is actually saying she is a good candidate. Did you see her with Couric? Was hysterical.

    Although she is a piece of ass and reminds me of the teacher in Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher" video....she is a Grade I Ditz.

    The VP debate should be aired on Comedy Central.
    #16     Sep 29, 2008
  7. The McCain "braintrust" needs to unleash her. She's PLENTY smart. In fact when it comes to recognizing how long in the tooth this over consumptive Big Brother Nanny State has become she's the first visionary on a national ticket since Reagan.

    I'd have Ron Paul coaching her. Put his words (which she believes) into her body and it's a bonanza for freedom and a blow to sexism.

    #17     Sep 29, 2008
  8. EPrado


    One of my trading buddies from Chicago just called me and is up in arms. He thinks Obama is in favor of this "tax every trade" idea because of his "speculator" comment. I know this dumbass idea was brought on by two dopey Dems from out west.....but I would be shocked if Obama was in favor of it.

    Does Obama know the power of 1000 drunken pit traders from his beloved Chicago and the chaos they can cause?
    #18     Sep 29, 2008
  9. Unlike every other Illinois Senator he's never embraced the Chicago commodity culture. He's not a big free market advocate. I can remember when Mosely-Brown held his seat. She'd be on the floor so often we once joked she should lease a badge.....:)
    #19     Sep 29, 2008
  10. EPrado


    I think he didnt come down to the floor because there was a rumor that a trader with the badge "PBT" ....or was it "PAB" was gonna attack him and bludgeon him with a pad of order tickets.

    I think the one thing that was proven once again that most politicians are fucking greedy fucks who refuse to accept responsibilities and use HUGE things like passing this bill for their own good.

    Fuck this.......VIVA MEXICO !!!!!!

    Time to move South.
    #20     Sep 29, 2008