Barney Frank calls for MORE immediate government spending increases

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NeoRio1, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. If your whole entire itellect is superior to me than you could state whether Karl Marx economic theories should be used or not. The reason why I ask is because i know your not some converted republican. Your the scum of the earth illogical no principle liberal you are and you probably woripship Karl Marx's economic theories but if you said you did than all of your credibility would go out the window which should happen only if you had enough balls to admit your a socialist, little bitch.
    #81     Oct 22, 2008
  2. akslc


    That is a good argument. The moral hazard to the GOP as a result of not acting like the GOP. AGREED. Let's hope that serves as a BIG wake up call.

    For me, the one great hope in the whole Obama mania is the proposal he had a few days ago. "I am going to give you a tax credit for creating a new job." So he does understand that simple relationship even though his party, on paper, disagrees with that.

    Either way, my accountant is getting rich. :)
    #82     Oct 22, 2008
    I want to you know, I really busted in laughter in front of my computer. Thank you.

    I feel sorry for you, you like your politics like your Big Macs.. simple things, for simple people. As I said before, there are some very intelligent persuasive conservative thinkers : Buckley, Peggy Noonan, David Brooks, George Will, John Podhoretz

    Then there is the second tier for the GOP voter who doesn't qualify for a brain but still can read. Those who respond to emotional arguments (Bill Kristol, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, )

    You unfortunately belong to the lowest of them all, the Hannity / Rush crowd. Without slogans you're nothing. That's why they called it "retail" politics. it's targeted towards retards like you. The people who wave flags at rallies and paint their heads Red.....

    So try again with the "socialist" smear.
    #83     Oct 22, 2008
  4. Obama is not a radical shill. Every time he talks economy, he has Bob Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Paul Volcker and Buffet with him. Does that sound like socialism to you ?
    I wouldn't vote for Pelosi to head the local school board but hey..she represents San Francisco. what do you expect ?
    #84     Oct 22, 2008
  5. You are a radical shill. You were just defending Rev. Wright on another thread. Every moronic post you make should be viewed in that context.
    #85     Oct 22, 2008
  6. Yes Monkey, AND ? Obama is not Wright. And Wright was taken out of context. Are you EXACTLY the same as the people you hang out with ? Jesus Christ, are you the "Stepford wives" people ?
    #86     Oct 22, 2008
  7. Keep sucking Wright's dick oktiri/ bylo. :p
    #87     Oct 22, 2008