barbara streisand rant- funny

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sputdr, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. That's exactly what the democratic party stands for. Let the government solve all your problems isn't it? No self responsiblity, let the governement take care of you, don't think for yourself?

    I would say the situation you describe is that of the left. You have legions of fools who get their daily news and analysis from high school dropouts like barbra streisand and other uneducated people from hollywood who are so far removed from the real world they probably don't know what year it is.

    It's funny that you describe them as "successful professional people." Can you describe to me what one of these stars has accomplished that really matters? What has barbra streisand ever done except live in her world of hypocrasy?

    Please, save your speech about what a fine group of people these are because there are so many people that are actually deserving of you attention.

    #31     Mar 6, 2006
  2. True political sources?

    Oh, you mean like Sean Hannity? Rush Limbaugh? Ann Coulter? Fox News?

    Oy vey.....

    "We think for ourselves...Mega Dittos Rush!!!"

    #32     Mar 6, 2006
  3. I have continually addressed ddooo's "stats" and "info" as looney leftist sources with no credibility. He continues on and on with them. Sad.
    #33     Mar 6, 2006
  4. No, I mean like Al Franken, Whoopie, Barbara, Robbins, Clooney, Belafonte, Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Late Night talk show hosts, and all those wonderful accurate websites dddooo gets his copy/paste posts from. :)

    Oy vey.....
    #34     Mar 6, 2006
  5. Oh, you mean idiots who told you years ago that Bush was an incompetent moron and the war in Iraq was wrong, unnecessary and would end badly. You did not believe them then, remember? If they are idiots what does that make you?

    PS They don't represent liberalism, nobody does, they represent themselves.
    #35     Mar 6, 2006
  6. Don't forget that Jerry Spring is now a voice from the left.
    #36     Mar 6, 2006
  7. Doh! My bad!
    #37     Mar 6, 2006
  8. Yes those idiots. "The ones who for years were saying how dangerous Iraq was and how Sadaam was trying to get nuclear and biological weapons.
    #38     Mar 6, 2006
  9. Yep, that's the only thing you've been doing on this forum - accusing opponents of being looney leftists. You're yet to make an informative, meaningful, substantive fact-based contribution worth reading.

    BTW Dailykos is not a credible source and 98% of my information and stats are coming from mainstream sources. The link to a dailykos diary was quite appropriate though in the context of this thread about Barbara Streisand's misspellings - courtesy of Drudge report which I am sure you find fair, balanced and credible.
    #39     Mar 6, 2006
  10. Moore and Streisand told you that Iraq was dangerous? That's news to me. That's not what they told you, Moore and Streisand told you that Bush was dangerous, not Sadam.

    They were right, you were wrong, if they are idiots, what does that make you? This is the second time I am asking you this question, why is it so hard to answer?
    #40     Mar 6, 2006