Barack Obama Wants Your Money As You Tumble From The Fiscal Cliff

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Robert A. Green, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. haha i really like your perspective.. its real..... i'm a conservative.. i'm voting Romey... i would like to vote Ron Paul.. cause i've heard people with real financial sense tell me so. that being said.. my thoughts.. Obama is in the Seat now.. probabilities are he will win.. that being said... can gets kicked down the road.. and we further this extention into the socialist direction we are heading.. this is just a cycle... we will fuck ourselves with good bits of socialism before we realize how stupid it is.. then go back to the dog eat dog capitalistic world we started on.. where your just happy to eat for a days worth of work.. frankly i think we are spoiled as fuck..

    that being said.. i'm more interested in how to trade this mess.. we are in a euphoric money printing gov reassuring market right now.. once everyone is in long.. and obama wins.. and reality sets in that he is going to exact everything he wants now that he is in his last term and it doesn't matter what people think.. thats when we will have the day of reckoning.. and thats basically how i'm going to trade it...
    #11     Sep 7, 2012
  2. so you are saying republicans(rich ones i suppose)should accelerate income into 2012 because taxes are so low now?
    #12     Sep 7, 2012
  3. Very painful to read. Sentences are so simple. It was like reading a 5th grader write. Really wtf.
    #13     Sep 8, 2012
  4. Sentences simple

    Fifth graders complicated

    It was like reading
    #14     Sep 8, 2012
  5. Politics are are just that! Politics!

    Their job is to get keep their financial backers happy and to get re-elected..... If not they will be out of work!

    Why would anyone think they have a vested interest of serving the public. The public does not support them when they need money come election time!

    They serve the elite that take care of their needs and put food on their tables!
    #15     Sep 8, 2012
  6. yeah, that pretty much sums it up, but getting back to the original topic, the favors they repay are all done through the tax code.
    #16     Sep 8, 2012
  7. you know, obama has offered a very sensible balanced approach in line with what every debt commission has suggested. you cant do it with taxes alone and you cant do it with spending cuts alone without crashing the economy.
    obama has offered $3 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax increases. the republicans have refused. who is acting like the sensible grownup here?

    obama is trying to get us out of the war mess that is costing us trillions. romney is out there bashing him for pulling troops out of iraq too soon and has promised to increase defense spending and is promising to attack iran? who is being the sensible one here?
    #17     Sep 8, 2012
  8. Obama was brought in to finish the destruction of what we have. Not Obama himself, but a hack in office that will aid and abet the overall agendas in motion. He was protected through the entire process, and sold well to just enough dumb fu*** to get him in. I feel the same way about Bush, but Obama was a complete new level of false advertising;

    The Obama presidency is living proof that the vast majority of Americans are about as lost as short bus riders. I have made a point in my life to never follow one single law past by Bush and Obama no matter what.
    #18     Sep 8, 2012
  9. yes, that is what it takes to provide the government you want. The division arises when not all of us want the goverment you want. So it's not an argument about how to pay for it, it's an argument about what we are paying for.
    #19     Sep 8, 2012
  10. The federal government needs to be gutted at every level before anything else (Dept of Edu slashed, IRS cut in half just as a start, corrupted FDA completely revamped, HEW spending hacked, DoD 20% immediate cuts, DHS gone, TSA gone, and on and on).

    America does not need one single tax increase, we need to end all the wars and Obama drone killings around the world. It is time to throw all of the corrupt scum out on their ass and start getting sensible and effective leaders in place. One of the reasons why I am voting for Gary Johnson in the elections, I have the guts to say stop the insanity.
    #20     Sep 8, 2012