Barack Hussein Obama, The LGBT Christian

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Arnie Guitar, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Humpy


    The Dead Sea scrolls are a revelation. They talk about son of god in the general sense of mankind. This rather ruins the Christian view that he was literally a God. I think it is high time Christians talk of Jesus as a mortal man and prophet rather than a God. A big step for some but makes The Faith much more believable.
    #41     Mar 10, 2008
  2. stu



    A fictional literary cosmic hippy jewish character in a story book, who Christians say is God and therefore would have sacrificed himself to himself, after previously creating the first man from magical dust and then magically making a woman from a rib he took from the man, so that rib woman would hear a magic talking snake tell her to eat a magic apple off a magic tree, then both dust man and rib woman could be tricked into doing something they could not possibly realize was supposed to be wrong in order that the God could blame them and all future humanity for it.

    Real? Are you serious?
    #42     Mar 10, 2008
  3. Humpy


    Looks to me as if we are getting completely off-topic. The thread is meant to be about Obama and his principles, if any.
    I expect he will be bought if he hasn't already been like all the rest of them.
    The usual suspects are:-
    the oil industry, big business, Jewish lobby etc.
    If the little guy on a lousy minimum wage ever gets heard it'll be a miracle.
    #43     Mar 10, 2008