Banker struggles on $350,000 a year

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by gwb-trading, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. TD80


    What next, can I start whining about how little 350K/year gets me in Newport Beach? Is this something I want my name attached to in the media? It is just bad news all around, not many are going to sympathize with someone who is earning FIVE TIMES the reported median household income in Manhattan ( It just stirs up problems for those of us who are well off.

    We need to keep a low profile lest things eventually turn into a Sao Paolo/Rio type of situation where you're going to need armored cars with flame throwers, or you're going to need to take a helicopter from your condo to work, because if there is even a hint that you have money you are a huge target. Massive wealth disparity can bring about this sort of thing (and this is coming for a fairly free-market libertarian-esque person here).

    It's not big secret how much living in Manhattan costs. Like many here say though, who goes around bitching about the costs of living in some of the most expensive areas within a large radius? The bottom line is the guy has other options and is living way beyond his (for NYC upper middle class ) means.

    If people want to get real on this topic, they need to start talking about how much of our tax money goes to Washington D.C. versus state/local. If someone switched the state/local number here in CA for the federal number you would see me skipping down the street singing sesame street songs even though I'm paying the same net amount. It is simply the principal of the thing that I'm sending the majority of my tax money to some central planning bureaucrats 3,000 miles away who have no clue.
    #31     Mar 1, 2012
  2. 350 is gross. As somenone said it is really 190k.

    For a consitent 40 hours ++ week it is a life of misery. Not to mention what happens when he is out and not able to go level higher which is true for the most on that level.
    #32     Mar 1, 2012
  3. So true! A couple years ago I toured the western US in my RV and noticed a trend: many, many owners of those HUGE $150k motor homes were retired government workers.
    #33     Mar 1, 2012
  4. so what you saying that most europeans richer than this poor guy on '350k'?

    could well be true. i dont think this relationship will last.

    reason - eu does not have real army and will pay for it at some point one or the other way.

    nothing for free :D
    #34     Mar 1, 2012
  5. DT-waw


    certainly, NYC is top of the world. I find it funny someone with $190k net and $50k / rent can complain.

    Hell, set up your own firm and make $500k/yr!

    There are places in this world, where in Finance you will make $1,400/mo net of tax. Well, after 6-9 months of "searching" for such a decent job...

    but have to pay $800 rent for a (small) apartment.
    $600 is left, of which you pay $300 for a private shool and $300 for a nanny. No money left for you to buy food.

    Your wife/gf probably won't work coz she is a queen OR
    she will make just as much to do her make-up, hygiene and buy some mass-market clothes. Oh and i forgot- she is studying (to land at a better job in some point in the future...) and that eats 1/4 of her income.

    You want more?
    Cheapest Macbook Pro won't cost $1,200 there. It will cost $1,700, because the gov needs sales taxes to keep the pensioners alive, so they can buy more drugs.
    Cars will cost 50% more, gas will cost 100% more, "luxury" items will cost 2x more...

    The cost of living in any city depend on your lifestyle.
    If you drink Dom Perignon in Manhattan every week , eat king crabs,
    require dental visits every month because your teeth are weak from low sunshine... sure, $190k won't be enough.
    #35     Mar 1, 2012
  6. slumdog


    Did you really make two and half million bucks last year?
    Yeah... I did.
    What do you do with all that money?
    I don’t know really. It goes pretty quick.
    Excuse me?
    Well the tax man takes half of it up front. So now you got what... million and a quarter. Mortgage grabs another 300K, I gave 150 to my parents to live off, so now you got what??
    Eight hundred.
    The car 150. Probably another 100 eating... 25 on clothes, put 400 away for a rainy day. And what's that?
    125 left.
    I spent 76,520 dollars on booze, dancers, and whores.
    Yeah, kinda shocked me, although I was able to write most of it off, as entertainment.
    #36     Mar 1, 2012
  7. only the money you spend is your money.

    rest is illusion.
    #37     Mar 1, 2012
  8. JamesL


    Anyone who bitches about someone making 350k is someone who doesn't come close to that number and wishes he did. It is called envy.
    #38     Mar 1, 2012
  9. Similar in Asia. Seems any city where an IB sets up front office, the pay is uncomfortable at VP, and just "OK" at director level, relative to living costs.
    #39     Mar 1, 2012
  10. Think you've got that wrong.

    The "1%ers" managed to EARN theirs. It's the parasitic tit-suckers who believe they are somehow "entitled/privileged"..

    Too bad my Grandpa was never president... He would have told everbody, "YOU'RE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING YOU DIDN'T EARN FOR YOURSELF... YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO EAT UNLESS YOU WORK"...

    Wouldn't THAT mindset have put a different spin on America... ??
    #40     Mar 1, 2012