Balance Sheet Screening

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by chs245, Mar 11, 2003.

  1. chs245


    I'm trying to identify companies with weak balance sheets. In particular, I'm looking for companies whose intangible assets are a large percentage of total assets. Unfortunately I have not found one single search engine or stock screener that lets you screen for intangibles in the balance sheet.

    Anyone knows of a way to screen for intangibles ?

  2. interesting criteria...ill start looking into it...if ya find anything on that please post you have experience reading balance sheets???
  3. chs245


    experience yes, but only to a limited degree. i like to screen b/s for special items in order to build portfolios. Screening for high leverage and signs of company distress work very nicely in this market , holding period is several months though.
  4. chs245


    Apart from Multex and Edgar-Online, I have only found to offer "full" balance sheet screening (although the feature is still only in beta testing). Multex and EdgarOnline don't offer full b/s screening in their retail subscriptions.
