Bair Nails It.....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, May 6, 2009.


    Ie with Volcker comments.....

    Banks.....broadly distributed ....and separated from the stock and bond businesses.....impose strict max size and reserve requirements.....cannot overlap into the securities business....
    Add access to all currencies and cross bank cds....(will tax bad politics....keep the political influences at bay)

    Stocks and bonds.....may the entrepreneurs rule....
    Wiki replaces brokers....
    BATS model replaces all other models....
    True universal accounts capabilities....
  2. ?......We're gonna turn the clock back to the late 1930's and work our way back to 2008 all over again. :cool:
  3. Yes...and no....

    Localized banking....."know your customer rules"....
    And better reporting similar to electronic records regarding medicine....

    Internet based.....


    Stocks & bonds....."The Entrepreneurial Risk Side"

    Info. better via wiki format....
    Transactions ...with BATS model....far more efficient....
    Truly universal accounts....

    Let's not label the "bank" side "not entrepreneurial"....
    As it is their job to incubate and maintain a constant local
    mix of entrepreneurs....that create 90% of the jobs albeit with short time spans for most....

    The real telling feature that would really compliment globalization are true universal accounts both on the banking and securities sides.....

    Tha banking side in that true universal accounts will keep the local politics in check as to spending habits and currency strength/weakness....

    One could move to cds and currency of choice.....same account....

    Better tools....

    This time around.....
  4. That will allow GS to eventually take over the world. :cool:
  5. Has GS not done that already ?....

    One is beginning to think that any higher govt. office requires a GS link....



    Would it not be cool for the people to make a few clicks and place their dough in currency cd of choice....

    Meaning the politicos will be given reason to "think a little more about currency risk"....

    If one actually had a truly universal account....

    One would be on their way ....

    To truly being "globalized"....