Bain Attacks On Mitt Romney Leave Swooning Democrats In Love Again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Ricter


    Easy mistake to make, since you're saying you support Romney, who is a corporate crony.

    Real people do not think gaming the business system, which is where Romney's "business" experience actually lies, is real business. This is why the attacks on Bain and Romney continue to work.
    #11     Jul 12, 2012
  2. I don't think the attacks are working at all. The dem's are already convinced Obama is their man, and the indies are unhappy with Obama's performance and looking for answers other than Obama's rhetoric. The right is going to vote for Romney. Where else you gonna' go?
    Far as gaming the system. Hell, it is the system now days. So like I asked, you want a guy who knows the drill, or a guy who is really long on rhetoric, and really, really short on actually doing anything about it? Which one is more likely to coax the powers that be to play nice for awhile?
    #12     Jul 12, 2012
  3. AK really though.. don't you have a fat head poster of obama plastered to the ceiling above your bed?

    You know these attacks are total bs made to make romney look like some greedy scumbag that is out of touch. While at the same time you are posting about how cool our pres is playing basketball with make believe super heroes in Clooney's mansion.. lol. Did they all dress up in costumes too, or just drag?
    #13     Jul 12, 2012
  4. Ricter


    The choice for me is between a guy who in important ways shares the same values as I do but who has been fairly ineffective in advancing them, and a guy who shares essentially opposite values but could be very effective in advancing them.
    #14     Jul 12, 2012
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #15     Jul 12, 2012
  6. very well said.
    #16     Jul 12, 2012
  7. They both have good basic values. They want the best for their families, their friends, and the country. I believe that they are both decent men and want to advance the country out of this mess. They do have different ideas about how to get there. The one has been at it for nearly four years and pretty much failed. I'll give the other guy a shot, given he's the only option being offered.
    #17     Jul 12, 2012
  8. Captain, serious question: What brought you to the conclusion that Mr O has the best interests of THIS country in mind?
    #18     Jul 12, 2012
  9. I could say I just take him at his word, but that would be a weak response.
    Many of the ideas and policies he has tried to advance are much needed and are good things. Health-care needs fixing. His idea on how to fix it is poorly thought out, but it does need fixing.
    He wants to better employment opportunities, obviously a good thing. Financing long shot ventures like solar while the low hanging fruit of existing energy goes untapped is not the way I would approach the problem.
    There are other examples, but Like I wrote, just because he has followed a different path, one which has failed, doesn't make him a commie. He's just a poor leader, which is plenty reason enough to vote against him.
    #19     Jul 12, 2012
  10. i sentence you to a week of watching fox news every day. you are straying off the reservation and making a little sense.

    i would just say many of the things you consider failures would probably have been done differently if republicans were cooperative about seriously fixing problems instead of purpously putting up roadblocks every step of the way.
    #20     Jul 12, 2012