Bailout guarantees Goldman CEO 70M salary

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by andrasnm, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. plus everyone seems to forget that it;s our money that's going to the bailout. I am paying for other people's mortgage to be adjusted down. The fact that I am not eligible for this benefit, and only foot the bill pisses me off.
    #11     Oct 15, 2008
  2. OK, everybody's mortgage should be adjusted and let's just forget the " are screwed if you do and you are screwed if you don't...right now there is no mortgage market, must buy a house for cash, if you did not realized it yet?

    #12     Oct 15, 2008
  3. empee


    i dont see any problem with people doing whats in their own best interest. If walking away make sense, why not? Its not like everyone else isn't cheating/getting bailed out/etc. I've been a renter for a years so I don't have skin in housing, but it makes no sense to be responsible when everyone else isn't. Its the people who are acting responsibly and trying to do the right thing that are getting screwed.. HARD. I don't agree with this countries policies, but I can hardly fault someone for doing whats right for themselves and their family, especially since the government give .02 cents about the citizens.

    If the counterparty (lender) was willing to give the guy a free call option, why shouldn't he take it. This whole country is only doing stuff that benefits the speculators/gamblers, not the responsible people. Ie if you put money down or have equity your screwed.. if your option-arm'd.. well then they'll try to help you to stay in that house! :p

    Its totally hypcrocisy to expect everyone around you to cheat, steal and lie and expect you to be ethical and honest. More importantly, the people who have been trying to do the right thing (like me, living beneath my means, not option-arming into a house I can't afford) are the bag holders. I'm paying for a bailout of people I know who option-arm'd and leased everything.. who's going to make me whole for living a substandard existence since I did the right thing? No one, in fact, we're going to tax me the help the guy stay in the house I should have been able to buy for a lot less.

    Sigh :)
    #13     Oct 15, 2008
  4. A-fucking-men to that. I'm so sick of all these jerks who were gloating so obnoxiously when their home equity was positive now expecting the public to guarantee their investment when it went underwater

    fuck every single one of them

    it's not the publics responsibility to guarantee them a profit!!!!
    #14     Oct 15, 2008

  5. "No one, in fact, we're going to tax me the help the guy stay in the house I should have been able to buy for a lot less."

    i understnad that all to well

    and it pisses me off to no end

    the housing bubble made it difficult to make a wise decision on housing

    the mortgage bailout, makes it impossible, because if you made a correct decision, they change the rules after the fact to make you lose again
    #15     Oct 15, 2008
  6. At least we get 5% on the preferred stock deal with the banks.

    Of course, Buffet got 10% in his deals, but he was wheeling/dealing with the best interest of Berkshire stockholders in mind.
    #16     Oct 15, 2008
  7. bro59


    Funny how rare that comment is, but how effective the results would be. That solution only works collectively, and we're a selfish society. The Man knows this, and plays us against ourselves.

    Why is it that the best minds in government couldn't extract a better deal from this situation? Berkshire got a better deal with a non-desperate bank than the taxpayer was able to get from banks with no options left. Maybe part of the answer is Warren's brains, but more likely motivation. Taxpayer equity just isn't worth as much as Berkshire equity.
    #17     Oct 15, 2008
  8. But none of you stupid mother fuckers want to pay any more taxes, and likely if you could you would shelter money in the Caymans. Fuck you all, dumb fuck yanks! I will do what is best for me and it is on chinese borrowed money!
    Cry me a river when and if your actual taxes go up!
    #18     Oct 15, 2008
  9. amtrak


    STFU and go broke like an adult.
    #19     Oct 16, 2008
  10. i dont see any problem with having people like u slaughtered for my amusement if yr not going to pay up...
    #20     Oct 16, 2008