Back to the golden Age.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sameeh55, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. That video left out one huge Arabic invention. A_person was also incorrect in saying that there hasn't been any inventions by arabs in the last 1000 years. Just this century the arabs came up with what is probably their biggest invention ever. That is, of course, the invention of the Palestinian people. I don't know why this video left this landmark invention off the list...
    #21     Jul 17, 2010
  2. Israel supporters seem to think that others are gullible enough that repeating lies would lead to erasing the truth.

    Every human on earth (Israel supporters included) knows that Israel stole the lands of Palestinians. It is an absolute truth that would never be erased, because truth always prevails.
    #22     Jul 17, 2010
  3. I don't know about that but , trying to steal someone's land in a war and ending up losing your own kinda seems fair to me.
    #23     Jul 17, 2010
  4. Bullshit. The palestinians fled the "lands" (few square miles) in a war in which they initiated against Israel. They attacked, started getting their asses kicked, and fled in fear, thinking they'd soon return on the backs of other arab armies. The fact is they lost the war, and hence their lands which they abandoned in the war that they initiated. The other lands, they still have to this day. If Israel wanted to take those, guess what, THEY COULD! They haven't because they don't want to... If Israel wanted all the Palestenians all dead or gone, guess what, THEY COULD ACCOMPLISH THAT EASILY. They are all there and alive because Israel doesn't want to kill them. THAT is the truth, and that is has prevailed. Get used to it bitch.

    #24     Jul 17, 2010
  5. Nonsense. two peoples populated the land, one of them got Jordan and half of the remaining land, the other people got a very small piece of land (0.2% of the region, half of which was an uninhabitable desert) too and called it Israel. The second group was happy, the first wanted it all. All arab landowners who stayed and did not join Israel's enemies got to keep their land and property and they together with their descendants are now citizens of the only western, prosperous democracy in the region. Of course for those who joined the enemy forces against their own country the bets were off.

    Let alone the fact that the land was stolen from the Jews 2000 years ago and to the best of my knowledge there is no official statute of limitations. If arabs who were not born in Israel and never set foot there are considered refugees, so are all the jews on the planet.
    #25     Jul 17, 2010
    #26     Jul 17, 2010
    #27     Jul 18, 2010
  8. So let'ss use your example of the UAE of progress.

    Please tell me what the UAE or any other muslim nation has contributed to society in the last 400 years.

    Better yet, not the UAE just one muslim contribution in the last 400 years.

    Can you give me one example of a contribution from an arab, islamc society in the last 400 years.

    Please provide just one fucking example of something your people have given the rest of the world.


    #28     Jul 18, 2010
  9. We can agree that certain influential elements within the Muslim/Arab world are scientifically backwards. These elements has made certain aspects of Muslim/Arab culture backwards. It has not been like this for the past 1000 years, and it will probably not be like this for too much longer (which of course is your greatest fear). Putting an exact date on when cultural decline started is impossible, since both the Muslim world and the Arab world are far more complex and varied than you seem to understand.

    Nobody has claimed the Muslims or Arabs invented the zero. The Babylonians, who are ancestors of the Iraqis, invented the positional notation (one of two ingenious characteristic of the system, the other being the implementation of the zero). The Muslims inherited the notation and adopted the zero from the Hindus and they put the system to large scale use. In Arabic the Hindu-Arabic numeral system is called Hindu Numerals. Also the Muslims did invent more than coffee. Here's some more information:

    This concerns only the period that's called the Islamic golden age. If we were to play your game of "what race is best", we'd have to expand the debate to include all contributions made by peoples who are ancestors of people called Arabs today. Like civilization, to name one thing.
    #29     Jul 19, 2010
  10. of course, the invention of the "Palestinian people" is the greatest islamic invention of modern times...
    #30     Jul 19, 2010