B Hussein Obama on a downward spiral

Discussion in 'Politics' started by fhl, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. LEAPup


    I'd love to know who they are so I can put both (or all lol!) Of their nicknames on ignore.

    Btw, AK15, are you a barrel head? From your board name, I take it you're into shooting? I am!! Expensive sport (ammo!!!) These days, but still love it!!
    #51     Feb 27, 2009
  2. Listen to me carefully . . .


    #52     Feb 27, 2009
  3. ak15


    Nooo. I'm a mere potted plant in a drab room.:) The name was just a coincidence. Guns were the furthest things in my mind when I chose my handle.
    #53     Feb 27, 2009
  4. LEAPup


    Ok, lol! I was thinking you were into the AK-47/AR-15 hybrids. :D
    #54     Feb 27, 2009
  5. Well to be fair the first article that was linked to is overstated. Go to Gallup's own site and you'll see that his poll numbers are pretty much in line with past presidents at this point in time, though he started out above most of them. Hardly a drastic decline - and none of that from his core supporters.

    I didnt vote for him, but lets deal with facts.
    #55     Feb 27, 2009
  6. I take your word for it P. My bad.

    That being said...I still can't see an outright draft in this day and age under any circumstances.

    #56     Feb 27, 2009
  7. who ever doesn't hate obama is a racist or a moron

    why would anyone support this guy other than the fact that he is black

    america is so so screwed
    #57     Mar 1, 2009
  8. Cutten


    The market would be down big with McCain, Bush, Reagan or George Washington himself in the White House. I agree that it looks as though the market is souring on Obama's recent moves, so maybe he's been good for an extra 30-50 points off (who knows), but let's face it, most of this problem is structural and any attempts by one guy, even the US president, to solve it are about as effectual as King Canute trying to roll back the tide.

    S&P is fucked because banks lent to reckless gamblers based on ridiculously overvalued bubble assets, and are now wiped out and can't finance normal industry or consumer activity. That, and not the nicetities of the Obama administration, is why we're in the biggest bear market for 75 years. Note that virtually *everywhere* in the rest of the world is also down huge. The UK, Germany, Ireland, Japan etc have all had the same people in charge in the last year and they have all tanked just the same as the US.
    #58     Mar 1, 2009
  9. Cutten here's where lesser minds don't get it: It's not the Obama effect it's the electorate effect. In other words from 2006 on it's been quite obvious to me that VOTERS around the world were turning to the Left. Very similar to the 1960's-late 1970's. Labor strikes, civil demonstrations, protests against privatization etc. That frustrated from the streets movement MADE WAY for Obama and his ilk.

    If Global markets believed they had TRUE support from the governments of various developed nations-not bailouts but lower corporate taxes, lower capital gains taxes and less pressure from environmentalists, those markets in turn would have stabilized at more traditional -40% off the highs fractal support.

    If longs were inclined to believe Obama's policies were a bull item then they WOULDN'T BE SELLING. You mention quite a few markets selling off with the U.S.-all true. But notice this-All of those countries are JUST LIKE AMERICA. Socialists in deed, bloated, indebted and overly managed. Contrarily China, Taiwan, India, Brazil, Argentina bourses in Jakarta and even troubled Mexico City are each well above their November lows. IMO the divergence is quite telling.

    #59     Mar 1, 2009
  10. Voters turn to the left when the dizzying negative effects and impact of of a right turn only approach has left them in ruins...

    It is a natural attempt to return to a straight line...which is down the middle with the left and right in their proper balance.

    #60     Mar 1, 2009