
Discussion in 'Politics' started by kut2k2, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. kut2k2


    Senate Votes Missed Since January 2007

    Clinton ... 27%

    Obama ... 37%

    McCain ... 56%
  2. I'd say McCain has things under control. At least he can say I didn't for whatever crap that needed voting on.
  3. kut2k2


    He gets paid to show up and vote. I don't expect any candidate running for another office to have a 100% attendance record in his current office but when you miss over half the job, that's just pathetic ... and inexcusable.
  4. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Many times two elected officials will get together and both agree not to vote on a given issue if one is going to vote yes, the other no. This free's up time for them to work on other things, and sometimes to avoid what could be a controversial vote.
  5. he sure as hell tried to pass illegal amnesty this past summer.
  6. That fucker's gonna keel over soon anyways.

    Went from hero (as a POW) to sellout.
  7. He will always be a hero, as all current and former POW's. Doesn't mean he will make a good President, but nonetheless he is a hero. I cannot understand how a country as great as ours turns out subpar candidates for the most powerful position on the planet. I'll end up voting for McCain, but wish there was a better GOP choice. My guy came in second....
  8. No you're right right. He is a hero no matter what.

    Nothing he does now can erase what he did back then.

    It is just shocking to me to see how someone who displayed such honor in that situation can't seem to display the same honor in this situation.
  9. Very true...but look at the alternatives. The bitch and the racist. I am not so true Republican as I used to be. I am more of a Libertarian. That being said, I like to think I vote for the best person even if they are **gasp** a Democrat. But they put out some real shitbirds this time around. IMO
  10. It is just shocking to me to see how someone who displayed such honor in that situation can't seem to display the same honor in this situation.


    Imo, it is the job of politics that creates sellouts. One may start out with good intentions but intentions quickly take a back seat to politics. You can either quit or keep on ticking for adequate power to effect the changes you want.
    #10     Mar 26, 2008