Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by HATEtheRisk, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. If everything is pre determined then you could lay out your method right here right now and it wouldn't matter one bit. So do it.

    90% chance you won't

    #41     Apr 11, 2012
  2. Geez I hate to make a fool out of you, but I guess I can rationalize it as I am helping you learn faster to break the cycle of reincarnation on this war planet filled with idiots

    Your psychological profile here on ET shows you are not yet mature

    leaving that aside, lets use mathematics to show the market is random, THUS MAKING YOUR CLAIM IN THIS THREAD A LIE

    take a look at chart 1, play with settings in sheet 1, you can use chart 2 for experimentation

    but chart 1 is the main measuring stick, this is random, but without random distribution, just like the market

    compare ES, or nikkei or whatever to chart 1,

    keep in mind, I am not saying you can't trade profitably, I am saying 90% accuracy based on chart patterns is a temporary illusion ever young trader has

    and you are young trader
    #42     Apr 11, 2012
  3. Yes the pre determination is that i keep all secret for me and my loved ones, because its ME who WENT through all the PAIN to create all this stuff. And thats why it is MINE and will forever BE.
    except for a few lucky people i really like.

    I am not 100% sure about destiny and pre determination in the universe and my and your life/s, its just a thought, an idea, like a little wink of light - Gods plan - whatever - man shall not know.

    But my trading works, so who cares, why it works.
    #43     Apr 11, 2012
  4. you are typical of what I call, New Average, selective intelligence type of person

    this is why United States is declining in power, morality, knowledge

    People like you are seemingly smart and informed, but compared to truly smart and informed like me, you fall on your ass miserably.

    And I can prove it to you

    -If you don't know 9/11 is inside job - you are a fool
    -If you don't know about chem trail secret program - you are a fool

    If you don't know FED is a private central bank, putting US into perpetual debt since 1913 - you are a fool

    If you don't know some UFOs are aliens from other planets - you are a fool

    If you don't know that US/Israel are in the process of world take over and that they'll probably fail - then you are a fool
    #44     Apr 11, 2012
  5. htr, I tried to PM you, but it wouldn't work. Way to keep out your peers! :p ;) No way I'm posting this on the public....

    anyways, some are losers, some are not. just look at nature. case settled.:cool: :cool:
    #45     Apr 12, 2012
  6. Ok well you were wrong on the 2-3 hours call. You are currently at 0%. You can redeem yourself to 90% by making the next 9 calls right though .

    You have 2 days to 104.61

    No hostility , just facts. :)
    #46     Apr 12, 2012
  7. achilles28


    Did you end up talking with somebody at the CME.... ?
    #47     Apr 12, 2012
  8. Prove it ya loony toon, I'm all ears.
    #48     Apr 12, 2012
  9. i think you are just playing with me but even so I'll take the opportunity to enlighten you

    today we have the technology that could be interpreted as alien, DARPA cooks up something new every 10 years

    if we go back to year 1947

    we can say by deduction that US government nor Russia had type of aircraft that could pull off high G forces, speed and maneuvers that are observed with some UFOs


    in 1947 intelligence agents at the time realized this isn't Ruskies and it isn't us, and it sure as hell isn't the brits

    A further review by the intelligence and technical divisions of the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field reached the same conclusion, that "the phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious," that there were objects in the shape of a disc, metallic in appearance, and as big as man-made aircraft. They were characterized by "extreme rates of climb [and] maneuverability," general lack of noise, absence of trail, occasional formation flying, and "evasive" behavior "when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar," suggesting a controlled craft. It was thus recommended in late September 1947 that an official Air Force investigation be set up to investigate the phenomenon. It was also recommended that other government agencies should assist in the investigation


    Rouen, France, 1957. Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown French Air Force pilot photographed this craft in March 1957 over Rouen with his gun-sight camera.

    The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane.


    1957 - Edwards Air Force Base, California. Taken by a test pilot in September of 1957.
    #49     Apr 12, 2012
  10. It's interesting, but It's not proof beyond reasonable doubt. Ok let's not get off topic from HTR's 90% trading forecasts on mushrooms. I have to stop hitting the ET needle as shopster would put it.
    #50     Apr 12, 2012