AWESOME news for Obama, democrats, terrorists and other enemies of America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. TGregg


    The moose limbs on trial are really Mossad agents. :D :D :D
    #11     Nov 22, 2009
  2. Paul and his followers are not the neocon Palin/Limbaugh/Birther/Nutball GOPers...

    Paul and his followers had no clout in the GOP primary or the convention in 2008.

    "Though projections of 2008 Republican delegate counts varied widely, Paul's count was consistently third among the three candidates remaining after Super Tuesday."

    Paul was/is a non factor in the GOP...

    #12     Nov 22, 2009
  3. Mnphats


    What possible grievance could there be to justify flying a plane into a building?
    #13     Nov 22, 2009
  4. None that I can think of, so why would the right be fearful of the so called "grievances" they might air?

    If we demonstrate through an open trial how irrational these people are, how we are not fearful of the irrational people saying what they will say, it only strengthens our position as the truly rational party...

    Unless we have no rational response to their claims...

    Let the crazy man rant and rave, the sane ones watching will figure it out on their own...

    #14     Nov 22, 2009
  5. maxpi


    Faggoty inbredness... inbred people hate outsiders... in the ME it plays out as "foreign devils".. and in the ME some guys have 50 wives and that leaves 49 guys that don't get much pussy, they are eternally pissed and hating outsiders...
    #15     Nov 22, 2009
  6. You mean sort of like the President of the United States telling the people not to worry because they will be found guilty. Shouldn't someone tell the "Constitutional Scholar" that guilt is decided by the Judicial Branch not the Executive.
    #16     Nov 22, 2009
  7. Prosecutors all the time tell people that the defendant is guilty and that the people should not worry about the verdict...that the defendant will be found guilty.

    It is called confidence in a case based on the evidence, and in this case, Obama is the prosecutor in chief...

    #17     Nov 22, 2009
  8. Forgotten somewhere is all this noise is that alleged Al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui was tried and convicted in U.S. District Court in Alexandria,VA. If the US can do that, why shouldn’t KSM be tried in civilian court?

    Rudy Giuliani, BTW, applauded Moussaoui’s trial saying that it showed we are a “nation of law.”
    #18     Nov 22, 2009

  9. According to the Obama admin if a terrorist goes after a military target they are afforded less rights than a terrorist who targets civilians. That is the guideline that has been put forward. Bottomline, if you want to be a terrorist then target civilians and Obama will afford you more rights for doing so.
    #19     Nov 22, 2009
  10. I didn't think about that one. Looks like you are the expert on conspiracy theorists here. :)
    #20     Nov 22, 2009