Avoiding Insanity

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Cmoss, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. Cmoss


    I have been here a long time and think I have finally started to grasp a single concept. This journal may not be updated everyday, as I do not trade everyday.

    After identifying underlying (insert your method here), I'll buy next month's ATM option. Preferably doing this in the last half hour of trading for the day but sometimes the next morning.

    Target/Exit is 20% profit, WHAT?!?!?!? GASP only 20%?!?!?! I view mitigating risk by taking profits and staying out of the fray. For June, I am 7/8 hitting that mark, the loser is still open and positioned for full loss if I am wrong.

    Average days in trade is 3.

  2. TradeCat


    Hobby gambler? Good luck.
  3. Handle123


    Is 20% net? Or do you still have commissions after this?

    Good luck. I back tested something like this.....am not trading it.....hope you do better than I.
  4. Cmoss



    Take it easy trolls, just thinking out loud and posting to keep me accountable.
  5. zdreg


    this thread should be given a burial for the following reasons
    c... not to push you(OP) over the line to insanity. (see title of this thread)
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  6. Cmoss


    well it must be luck i guess
  7. Cmoss


    11/11 in june

    tomorrow's fun:

    vanzandt likes this.
  8. vanzandt


    What do you see in Intuitive Surgical? I mean, I wish you the best, but my gut says that one goes down. I haven't followed it in a couple years. I played it quite a bit (up and down) in the $395 range back in the day. Doesn't seem like a safe play going into an election. I know the dyed in the wool longs say it saves money, but the DaVinci is also some serious CAPEX. But like I said, I haven't even glanced at it aside from the CNBC scroll in several years.
  9. Cmoss


    I guess time will tell, I am not looking for any crazy moves or anything. in and out.
  10. Cmoss


    CHTR never filled, hit 20% all the rest though. Lucky gambler I am told :D
    #10     Jul 7, 2016