avgx.cpp: A formula for flexible AveragingDown + AveragingUp in C++

Discussion in 'App Development' started by mutluit, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. mutluit


      A utility function for calculating flexible "averaging down" and "averaging up" 
      using an analytical method, ie. using a formula instead of a costly iterative method.
      Written by: mutluit at tinystockexchange.com
      Platform: every modern C++ compiler should compile this. Tested with g++ on Debian GNU/Linux
      Compile: g++ -o avgx.exe avgx.cpp
      The math:
        pps = (a*b + c*d) / (a+c)           # a=qty1, b=price1, c=qty2, d=price2, pps=price per share
        pl% = ((a+c)*d / (a*b + c*d) - 1.0) * 100 * (fShort ? -1.0 : 1.0)
        --> (using solver at [url]www.quickmath.com[/url]):
          #c = -(a*b*p - 100*a*d + 100*a*b) / (d*p)
           c = -(a*b*p + (100*a*b - 100*a*d) * (fShort ? -1.0 : 1.0)) / (d*p)
           d = -(a*b*p + 100*a*b * (fShort ? -1.0 : 1.0)) / (c*p - 100*a * (fShort ? -1.0 : 1.0))
        there is intentionally no plausibility of the user parameters built-in, ie. garbage in will give garbage out,
        so test it throughly, if necessary add your own plausibility checks.
          usage: avgx.exe curqty pricebought lastprice fShort wantPLpct  
          ./avgx.exe 1000 100 90 0 -5
          PLpct=-10.00 AddQty=1111.11 PLpctNew=-5.00 pps=94.7368
          ./avgx.exe 1000 100 110 1 -5
          PLpct=-10.00 AddQty=909.09 PLpctNew=-5.00 pps=104.7619
        But the following parameter set will give, in the context of financial instruments, a nonsensical result,
        although the method is correct, but the input is wrong:
          ./avgx.exe 1000 100 110 0 -5
          PLpct=10.00 AddQty=-2727.27 PLpctNew=-5.00 pps=115.7895
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    int avgx(const double AdbQty0, const double AdbPrice0, const double AdbPrice, const bool AfShort, const double AdbWantPLpct)
      { // rc: 0=ok
        const double& a = AdbQty0;
        const double& b = AdbPrice0;
        const double& d = AdbPrice;
        const double& p = AdbWantPLpct;
        double c = 0;
        const double  plpct1 = ((a+c)*d / (a*b + c*d) - 1.0) * 100 * (AfShort ? -1.0 : 1.0);
        c                    = -(a*b*p + (100*a*b - 100*a*d) * (AfShort ? -1.0 : 1.0)) / (d*p);
        const double  plpct2 = ((a+c)*d / (a*b + c*d) - 1.0) * 100 * (AfShort ? -1.0 : 1.0);
        const double  pps    = (a*b + c*d) / (a+c);
        printf("PLpct=%.2lf AddQty=%.2lf PLpctNew=%.2lf pps=%.4lf\n", plpct1, c, plpct2, pps);
        return 0;
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
      { // rc: 0=ok
        if (argc < 6)
            printf("usage: avgx.exe curqty pricebought lastprice fShort wantPLpct\n");
            return 1;
        int ixArg = 0;  
        const double AdbQty0      = atof(argv[++ixArg]);
        const double AdbPrice0    = atof(argv[++ixArg]);
        const double AdbPrice     = atof(argv[++ixArg]);
        const bool   AfShort      = !!atoi(argv[++ixArg]);
        const double AdbWantPLpct = atof(argv[++ixArg]);
        return avgx(AdbQty0, AdbPrice0, AdbPrice, AfShort, AdbWantPLpct);
  2. Daring


    I would like to understand this, is there an English explanation ?
  3. mutluit


    It's a little commandline program written in the programming language C++, with comments at the beginning.
    It simply calculates how many shares one needs to buy additionally to average down the loss to a desired percent value.
    There are some examples given in the comment section of the code.
    One needs a C++ compiler to generate the executable program.
    Under the Linux operating system such tools like compiler etc. are usually included,
    under Windows you would need to install a C++ compiler first, there are some free available, for example in cygwin, mingw etc. --> just google.

    Since the algorithm (the formula) is given, it should be easy to use it in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc etc.
    It's basically this line:
    c = -(a*b*p + (100*a*b - 100*a*d) * (fShort ? -1.0 : 1.0)) / (d*p)
  4. 2rosy


    you made something simple into something complex. no one is going to compile a little c++ formula to get answer. They wont compile anything.

  5. mutluit


    Sorry, I don't have time, the code is intended more for sw-developers as they know what it is and how to use it,
    or howto convert it to other programming languages.

    Why not post your simple version? :)