Average American family "can't pay their bills"

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by turkeyneck, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. Comment #1 in that series of comments:

    Her "Soon to be Ex" is the dumbest part.

    Too many stats show that together family units survive crisis and financial upheaval better than a SINGLE mother with kids... This woman is crazy and selfish. Enjoy poverty!!!!!

    This is the fate of a feminist america...
    #11     Mar 21, 2008
  2. i agree, most people who get into these financial hardships can blame themselves for years of poor planning and financial neglect. they talk about how they lost their job or what not, but that wasn't the real problem. the problem was, they were living on the edge for many years and it only took one event to push them over.

    if they described those people's lives in greater detail, i'd guess the majority of them were poor at fiscal management.
    #12     Mar 21, 2008
  3. Fuckin-A Reaver, I totally agree. Nowhere I look do I see any of the people I know who are upside down and broke showing or have showed any constraint in their purchases or any attemtp at living within their means. Everytime I look they have a new $1000 barbecue grille or a new car or whatever. All on credit. Its deeper than people just spending, it's almost as if they can't be happy unless they are buying, buying, buying.

    Fuck em all. Time to pay the piper you weak fucksticks.
    #13     Mar 21, 2008
  4. Hey, I've got a great idea. Let's just raise taxes and repeal the Bush tax cuts. Then there will be plenty for everyone! We'll just tax our way to financial prosperity for all. Hurray! What a great solution! People who don't want to work shouldn't have to. And think what an awesome boost it will give to the econonmy when businesses pay more taxes. Of course we will only tax "the rich." (But now you have to realize that to a Democrat anyone who makes over $40K a year is "rich.")
    #14     Mar 21, 2008
  5. Agree - it's the fault of the sheeple who fail to see the writing on the wall because they do not look ahead, and prepare for the economy's change. They're more interested in Britney's latest adventure, American Idol, or some other worthless shit on TV than watching CNN, learning about the world outside of their shallow lives, or picking up a WSJ and learning about finance.

    They allow themselves to be brainwashed by a system that wants them to remain ignorant, and thus remain poor.

    It's partially their fault, and it's partially the fault of a system designed to keep them in the dark, and bail them out.
    #15     Mar 21, 2008
  6. WTF is up with all these damn shows on TV, they provide audiences with no intellectual messages,, none...
    #16     Mar 21, 2008
  7. Intellectual messages require people to think. People (most) don't want to think. They want to absorb and decay. Path of least resistance and all that.

    Besides...a population fully aware of it's environment is inherently dangerous to the government if that environment is poor.

    Regarding the article...one of those families has five children. My wife and I have one. One. We thought long and hard about another one and realized that with another child comes the expense of another child. That expense is not to be taken lightly. Some folks just keep having kids without any regards to what it's going to cost them down the line.
    #17     Mar 21, 2008
  8. Turkeyneck, Reaver, SellingRich, Slapshot, etc.

    I read these stories, and it is quite obvious if these were your family members, you would be much more supportive. :confused:

    Schey is right. Most of these are normal people trying to raise their kids and work hard. I highly doubt you are any different.

    Like others on ET, I am hard on people who do stupid things, like putting their money into Tuco, which was not even registered. Or being way too leveraged anda blowing out their accounts.

    And I know you may respond with self-righteous flames, but I suspect it will be little more than a kneejerk reaction. In this situation, you are wrong.
    #18     Mar 21, 2008
  9. With respect, TZ, you really don't know their financial situations any more than the people you quoted in your post.

    If they are the average American family, they have credit cards maxed out. They buy all sorts of things they don't need. They're stretched to the limit because they have been living beyond their means for so long that the slightest upset in the balance (like gas prices) throws them into dire straits.

    We're talking about the average American family here. No, it doesn't say that these examples drive around in large SUVs with large HELOCs, but it really wouldn't say that if the point the author was trying to convey is that average Americans can't make ends meet, would it?

    The underlying issue here is that the average family is having problems in today's economy because they put themselves there. They spent too much, far more than they made, because of easy credit. They saved nothing - put nothing away for a rainy day. And today it's raining.

    So they can blame gas prices, food prices, etc. But they didn't prepare for it because they thought the good times were going to be here to stay. Well, they never are.

    You've heard the parable of the Grasshopper and the Ant, right? See in front of you all the Grasshoppers.
    #19     Mar 21, 2008
  10. All the stupid reality shows on TV now are complete crap. There are only 1 or 2 channels worth watching. Gotta love those old 70's shows like Three's Company and All in the Family. Almost everything else on TV is mindless crap.
    #20     Mar 21, 2008