Autosurf industry

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sulong, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Naa, he looks real slick.. i doubt he'll get jailed or disbarred. even if he does, with the amount out money he's been printing lately, he'll never have to work again anyway.


    i'm sure he'll slither his way out of it. he already said "mistakes" have been made.. like zero'ing out the accounts of people who had nothing to do with 12daily. who knows if those people will ever get their money back. he shoulda waited to hear the the government said about the surfs before the chargebacks, tho. an official already said that as long as a product or service is being sold (advertising), and there aren't any guarantees of money (which there aren't), a ponzi will be a tough sell.

    as far as Alien Trust, not being able to contact out referrals was the one thing i hated about them. my referrals were pumping in $40,000 every week.. now i can't talk to any of them.


    Here's my commissions right before StormPay pulled the plug. I had an $8,000 referral upgrade, and a $2,000. God I hope those people used their VISAs and not their StormPay balances.

    Vince is setting up QChex, and is keeping the money in the bank from now on.
    #11     Feb 13, 2006
  2. Hey Sammy,

    How's it going? :cool:

    Have you seen the latest post by V on the North Shore blog? I think he has shot himself in the foot multiple times by posting what he did.

    Here is his post:

    What you think?
    #12     Feb 15, 2006
  3. In short you have to get referrals to make money, otherwise you lose cash.

    Not only that but V pretty much says all Autosurf sites are scams, including the old Alien Trust.

    Doesn't make much sense really. Why don’t Alien just setup another site and base it on the same model they had? The problem was the payment provider... There are ways over this...

    You don't have to completely change your business model. As far as I understand the authorities have put no legal pressure on Autosurf sites yet.
    #13     Feb 15, 2006
  4. Looks to me like a MLM type of plan. For a poor writer this would mean a losing proposition.
    Which means a successful sponsor would need to do a hellava lot of baby sitting and designing script for their downline.

    All in all, the risk remains the same or increases with the added time of money out of hand.
    #14     Feb 15, 2006
  5. One of the comments on the blog summed it quite nicely as well:

    This new plan also puts the control out of the individual's hands. Even if a person refers 10 or 100 people, there's no guarantee that they will buy any upgrades, or enough upgrades, for the original person to make a profit.

    This leaves no way for a person to predict how much profit they will make on a upgrade of $xx.xx since it is dependent on what the person's referrals do.

    This looks like a likely scenario:

    1) Person upgrades low to start so any loss is minimized
    2) Person markets for referrals
    3) Some referrals buy in low to start
    4) Original person makes a little, upgrades a little more
    5) Referrals not making much, leave for other plans
    6) Original person doesn't make any profit on
    increased upgrade, has to decide whether to upgrade
    again or leave for more profitable plan

    How can anyone plan their business strategy when their profitability is completely dependent on whether and how much a referral upgrades?
    #15     Feb 15, 2006
  6. In short I think the whole thing sucks and I'm actually quite surprised this is what Vince and Alien Trust have come up with.

    No doubt there will be other Autosurf sites restarting with the same or slightly modified models soon enough.
    #16     Feb 15, 2006
  7. This was my point about a sponsor needing to do a lot of baby sitting and script writing.

    Promise a GREAT! package for a minimum buy in.
    #17     Feb 15, 2006
  8. #18     Feb 16, 2006
  9. New video from ABC 4 talking about 12Daily Pro:

    Notice the nice new big house Charis has bought herself. No doubt with members money :p

    It's a bit lame how they don't go into detail about StormPay. Then again I guess the media tells the news the way they want.

    Funny to watch anyway.
    #19     Feb 16, 2006
  10. 'sup, Elite..

    how's it going? ugh.. i'm suffering surfing withdrawal. i still have a few e-gold surfs, but without the VISA protection, i never really went big in them. i haven't been joining any of these new e-gold surfs that have been popping up. i'd rather just wait until the admins i'm familiar re-launch with new processors.

    yea, Vince was getting shredded on the boards for that thing he cooked up, lol. he finally came to his senses and abandoned it. he's back to a 9% for 14 day plan, and will be launching is a few days with e-gold and EMO. EMO allows credit cards, for that'll be a definite plus.
    #20     Feb 17, 2006