Automated Trader vs Manual Trader

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by WmWaster, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. A free strategy (Please don't try it!) for newbies who are not able to evaluate systems is:

    "buy low for the 1st small portion, buy more the 2nd small portion, ... ; and sell high for the 1st small portion, sell more the 2nd small portion, ... "! :D

    It probably would work well profitably for most times, until it won't work anymore one day! :confused: :D
    #31     Jun 30, 2006
  2. Also, things that happen to be TRUE remain perfectly irrelevant and unrecognizable for most. They wouldn't be able to do anything with it.
    You can best compare this fact to (working) tools in the hand of a master. Most common mortals would remain misery ants compared to a skilled master in applying his tools.
    #32     Jul 1, 2006
  3. #33     Jul 1, 2006
  4. Imo, truly discretionary (profitable) methods should be embraced as such, and instead of dwelling on what you can systemize, focus on building your experience with the "intangibles".

    The fact that you are willing to find another method just for the sake of automation makes me wonder what you are prioritizing.
    #34     Jul 1, 2006
  5. It's because I feel automated trading can boost me into another new level.

    Probably I will both manual and auotmated trading. Auotmated trading can do something which I can't - trade at different markets at the same time; trade 24 hours a day.

    What's more, automated trading seems to be one of the most leisure way to trade.
    #35     Jul 1, 2006
  6. This is a myth!!
    #36     Jul 1, 2006
  7. I think once the system is developed, it's very leisure to trade with it. Just throwing money into it.

    Maybe babysit it once in a while.

    Maybe make a review once in a while.

    Why do you say it's a myth?
    #37     Jul 1, 2006

  8. Ya must be talking about an automated loser's system.

    I never throw money into it, I only pull money out of it.
    #38     Jul 2, 2006
  9. My mistake. :(
    I should have been drunk at that time. :p
    #39     Jul 2, 2006
  10. salvar


    Automated <> easy

    As the subject states, automated isn't necessarily easier. You must believe in your system with enough conviction to trade it and at the same time be on the lookout for a system failure. Some people can't handle that.

    Currently I have 14 strategies that I consider profitable and I use in my automated trading. Every so often, depending on the strategy (anywhere from every 1-6 months) I have to re-tweak these systems. That alone is a lot of work. Occasionally, these systems break. That means system development is ongoing. Creating new systems is highly time consuming and even more time consuming is testing them for robustness.

    I spend about 20-30 hours per week "working on" my systems. I trade a portfolio of currencies and my average month returns 20% with a maximum drawdown of no more than 10%. Profitable, yes. Easy, not.

    For comparison my "best" single automated system on one currency does about 7% per month with a 3% max DD. I don't consider my systems the best. There are guys I know who are easily doing 2x as good with half the drawdown. They are also serious math and serious, serious programmer geeks.

    FYI if you are interested in automated trading it will take a lot of your time (try at least 1000 hours) if you know nothing about automation. To be skilz you also need to spend at least another 1000 hours becoming your own programmer. You are so not going to find someone else to do the work (right) unless you have uber $$.

    Lastly, most of my programming and hard work goes into testing my systems. Not creating them. Got that? So important.

    BTW for those of you discretionary traders looking into getting automated, the grass is always greener. Now that my automated trading is running smoothly, I'm look at ways to trade discretionarily. Why? Because I'm always looking at better ways to trade and so are you. And I might just learn something from getting up at 4 a.m. and following the market.

    Also for those who care, there are a few people selling systems that are legit. But they are half as good as anything I can come up with and probably 1/4 as good as someone who really knows something about automated trading.

    Lastly, I do watch my automated trading - sometimes. But it really boils down to how bullet proof your whole trading system is. I personally have a backup workstation, backup internet, backup power and I like to live dangerously (which is why I don't watch my automation 100% of the time). Also, I've debugged my code 100 ways from Sunday - so I know the snafus aren't in my code. But if you don't have all that, then yeah, you better watch it while it trades.

    #40     Jul 6, 2006