Automated System Development for Non-Programmers.

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by Bogwaluth, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. To follow up on some of these posts regarding automated systems..... For thsoe of you looking at an automated system as something simple to just throw together and have it pump out money your in for a big surprise..... Especially if you think any of the indicators out there tweaked just right is going to instantly generate profit... if you want a profitable automated system you have to think COMPLETLY outside of the box...... I have only been able to generate one automated system that is truly profitable, however i'm too scared to even run it because of the drawdowns...

    Its not as simple as learning to code and then your going to have something profitable... one thing playing with backtesting and automated systems WILL teach you..... is that finding an edge is a VERY hard thing to do.......
    #41     Aug 10, 2006
  2. labruin


    lol you still don't get it. this just illustrates my point in the other thread, which is that you think just because you can't do it then nobody else can.
    there you go regurgitating textbook stuff again. all you've said here is "diversify your portfolio." doh! c'mon, man, you are better than acrary, right? he posted plenty of non-textbook stuff that he considered non-threatening to his systems. are you suggesting that anything beyond basic textbook concepts would be threatening to your systems?
    there you go again, thinking that just because you can't do it then nobody else can.
    #42     Aug 10, 2006
  3. The success rate for system traders and discretionary traders are the same.

    It's a matter of time for these system traders to become a part of the noise.

    We all work with the same data. What you see is seen by others.
    #43     Aug 10, 2006
  4. taowave


    I woud disagee with that as the "barrier to entry" for system traders is a bit higher than discretionairy traders...

    At least your entry level system trader has some clue to risk reward ,money management and expectancy.Most newbie discretionaty traders reside on another planet when it comes to things like that..
    #44     Aug 10, 2006
  5. man


    i love the ignore list. it is so ... quiet now.
    nevertheless some people really misuse
    the anonymity of these boards. a pity.

    nevertheless, to those who asked
    themselves about me and the accusations.
    no theoretic stuff here. trading. real money.
    team approach. no bs.

    #45     Aug 11, 2006
  6. man


    you are raising several points here. funny i agree with all of them, though i come from the other side ...
    #46     Aug 11, 2006
  7. There's a lot of things about the market that I can think of but a simple straight forward point is:

    Markets always change. All traders deal with this.
    #47     Aug 11, 2006
  8. It's a simple issue. Newbies don't understand that both discretionary and systematic traders are very much the same.

    For some people, they like to seperate it because they couldn't succeed in one side of it. Others just write stuff without really knowing about the other (even both) side (if there is a side)...

    Gotta remember that we trade the markets.

    There's the MARKET. And we just TRADE IT.
    #48     Aug 11, 2006
  9. man


    my point is that as a systemtrader - if you do it right, which is tougher than newbies might think - you can eventually act as if you were many system traders. as a discretionary you are probably limited to a relatively small number fo setups. it is tough to act as if you were several discretionary traders. though i am not the right person to judge ...
    #49     Aug 11, 2006
  10. man


    i think you get TS for free if you are a client of their brokerage, otherwise you pay the regular fee.
    i do not use TS for actual trading, but i would think you are definitely not limited to IB. why should you? they are two different firms ... why should there be exclusive connectivity?
    #50     Aug 11, 2006