Australia’s property boom making the nation poorer

Discussion in 'Economics' started by themickey, May 20, 2021.

  1. JSOP


    If China is so proud of creating this "property boom" in cities around the world, WHY does it itself ban foreigners from buying properties in China? Why not let foreigners create the same "property boom" as well in China? You still haven't answered this question.

    I have asked this question FIVE times already in this thread and not once you have provided an answer. You skirt around this issue and proclaim this accuse that but you do not dare to provide an answer to this question. WHY is that? And you even accuse other countries of racism
    So what's this behaviour of China excluding foreigners from buying properties in China? That's not racism? That's not exercising racial purity by keeping China's properties "pure" from being owned by non-Chinese?
    #61     May 23, 2021
  2. VicBee


    You're thick. I replied to your question via someone else, just read. China is a communist dictatorship, that's why. If we do the same, we're no better.
    Chinese aren't proud of creating property booms around the world, that's in your head.
    #62     May 23, 2021
    SunTrader likes this.
  3. Nope, what we do believe and live by is NOT obtaining wealth from unprovable and questionable sources, illegally moving the money out of our country, buying up homes with our other many thousands of peers and price other locals entirely out of the market, and then as the icing on the cake we cut our hairs short like the stupid mainland country side pikers we are and buy ourselves a red ferrari that we have no fucking clue how to drive properly just to show off. We also don't keep all of our children far from joining armed forces because that is a job for the stupid and uneducated in our new country of choice, we reject to properly learn English or reject to learn it at all, stick in our own districts with other pikers from mainland, and expand expand expand and now push into other districts and make even more peoples' lives miserable. WE DON'T DO THAT. Only uncultured mainland Chinese who travel and live abroad do that.

    #63     May 23, 2021
  4. Yes it's global and has started and gone into extreme overdrive ONLY WITH FUCKING CHINESE WHO STOLE MONEY WITH THEIR GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES AND CORRUPTION AND ENTERING ALL OTHER MARKETS. Low interest rates only turned the market even hotter but its not how it all started. Same with covid. We made many mistakes in western countries. But how it all started with was with CHINA. So far we have benefited nothing from China or Chinese. We were taken for a ride because most of us are naive and believed those lies and left cheating unchecked.

    You fucking assholes cheated and lied your ass off to everyone you have ever done business with and in every place you have set your foot into. You guys smell because you don't even wash regularly. Ask HK people, they have to tolerate your brethren to a much larger degree than the rest of us. Everywhere you guys set foot in you fuck things up, whether Cambodia, Thailand, Africa, Canada, Australia, NZ, US.

    Don't you even try to spin your story and falsify facts.

    #64     May 23, 2021
  5. Nine_Ender


    Your theories about real estate are ignorant; your "solution" even worse. Your understanding of who owns real estate in countries like Canada and apparently Australia as well is poor at best. Reality however is that you like some of the media and assorted mediocre internet voices have zero say in any of this. Occasionally, some weak politicians with equally poor comprehension try to do something like slap a tax on people ( like is their habit ); unfortunately, when it fails to deliver the results they want they have to reconsider it.

    There are plenty of towns and small cities in NA with cheap real estate and not many immigrants. They are also often aging populations struggling to attract businesses and have all sorts of troubles staying relevant. You can buy a nice home in those communities very affordable.
    #65     May 23, 2021
  6. Nine_Ender


    He's apparently the idiot real estate expert on here just like "Jem" is the idiot Covid expert.
    #66     May 23, 2021
    VicBee likes this.
  7. VicBee


    That idiot sounds like a communist
    #67     May 23, 2021
  8. themickey


    Real estate is a protected species. Forever been talked up, rampant inflated RE prices.
    If Google or Amazon or any large corp were to screw people like RE does, there would be a national inquest, but because it's RE, the feedback from everyone is: "We are not responsible for inflated RE prices".
    Everyone wants to wash their hands on the problem, no-one wants to take responsibility.
    "Fuck the little guy, as long as the rich get richer." :(
    #68     May 23, 2021
    DiceAreCast likes this.
  9. SunTrader


    If someone, anyone, invests their hard earned money somewhere that is an endorsement of the location.

    Only jackasses, especially those with China 24x7 on the brain, find fault with that.
    #69     May 23, 2021
  10. If that Chinese money was hard earned and honestly earned then they would not need to sneak across the border at night in the fog. Nothing about those guys is either honest, ethical, or legal. Chinese culture is 100% INCOMPATIBLE with any western culture and concept of morals and ethics. The Chinese mantra is "take advantage of others as much as you can get away with"

    #70     May 23, 2021