Australian banks - fraud central.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by themickey, Nov 21, 2019.

  1. themickey


    Australia just completed a Royal commission into Banking and the finance industry, where very high levels of ongoing fraud had been exposed.
    But prior that, the Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull said a Royal commission was not necessary.

    Well it still hasn't ended, now we have this just surface.....

    "Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted has plenty of grumpy stakeholders to manage after the bank was accused on Wednesday of breaching Australia’s anti-money laundering laws no less than 23 million times."

    The level of corruption in high places in Australia will make your eyes water.
    Nobert and nooby_mcnoob like this.
  2. Common in current/former British colonies. They will tell you they are of the HIGHEST MORAL CHARACTER while they diddle kids and embezzle tax dollars.
    themickey likes this.