atticus' single-name delta book

Discussion in 'Journals' started by atticus, Nov 8, 2012.

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  1. ammo


    Market Momentum Advances Unch. Declines 20-Day MA 50-Day MA 100-Day MA 150-Day MA 200-Day MA
    Today +0.04% 1958 110 1814 28.08% 31.25% 43.84% 47.84% 46.16%
    Yesterday +0.03% 1921 117 1844 26.30% 30.45% 43.66% 47.55% 46.11%
    Last Week +0.46% 2219 113 1550 43.97% 45.11% 56.47% 57.75% 55.10%
    Last Month +0.46% 2328 131 1422 38.68% 58.49% 67.12% 60.68% 59.55% when they all get to the 30 % area ,then it's who's left to sell 50/100/150/200 percentage of stocks above moving avg .. bottom of page
    #61     Nov 12, 2012
  2. ammo


    the big players can't move on a dime,so the turns are big events, helps to watch the larger picture and try to figure whether they are still buying, turning short ,still selling,where the next turn could be and play accordingly, you will never have all the info but if you watch it long enough you will have enough,you are absorbing it whether you know it or not,it's an advantage to consciously make mental notes,all that crap in your head adds up,whether you can decipiher ii or not,it does form an intuition
    #62     Nov 12, 2012
  3. It's all good debate, but you have absolutely nothing to back it up. I won't bet against 140 because it's arguing against the distribution (long gamma), and I am not prone to taking long-gamma on expiration week.

    Decipher is a euphemism for guess. You're betting against the straddle paying off.
    #63     Nov 12, 2012
  4. So are you short.. or waiting for confirmation. ..
    #64     Nov 12, 2012
  5. ammo


    bank holiday,waiting for exp week to end,was trying to trade cl but it's not moving
    #65     Nov 12, 2012
  6. ammo


    you speak greek in your sleep so i wont doubt your logic,you are using more info,info is king,i usually get screwed trying to figure exp week so i trade it sparingly
    #66     Nov 12, 2012
  7. It would be great if it were predictive, but we have to wait for expiration week to see a useful OI figure and then it's ATM. So yes, it's a bet on the center of the distribution. It's betting for Obama after he wins FL and OH.
    #67     Nov 12, 2012
    AXXXISIGMA likes this.
  8. ammo


    these were fat last monday,unuassually fat
    #68     Nov 12, 2012
  9. Doobs789


    Getting back into the AAPL 530/550/570 fly @ 7.60
    #69     Nov 12, 2012
  10. Just bought the 460/470/480 MA fly for 3.85. Thinking about the 550 aapl fly. Will wait a little bit longer.
    #70     Nov 12, 2012
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