AT&T confirms it paid Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for 'insights' on administration

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, May 9, 2018.

  1. exGOPer


    So unsubstantiated that his own DOJ is investigating it, you went on a rant about CF scams - more than a year of investigation by Trump's DOJ and FBI but not a single indictment or a charge. That's how unsubstantiated accusations look like, where is YOUR evidence?
    #21     May 9, 2018
  2. exGOPer


    For right wingers, everything is a conspiracy, people posting on message boards is a conspiracy - so is your own DOJ investigating you for crimes that you tried to hide by firing the investigator.

    I only asked you to explain your accusations and double standards, what's with the psychoanalysis?
    #22     May 9, 2018
  3. Hotcakes


    Lots out there. U just don't pay attention to it Sessions is comprised. Has been the entire time. It's called the deep state buddy. Trump appointed globalists thinking they would comply with Maga. Wray priebus Bannon tillerson sessions. All comprised or globalists. Trump didn't understand the NSA and how it manipulates political control through muck raking executive appointments etc just blackmail. Google William binney. This is just one arm of the deep state.
    #23     May 9, 2018
  4. Hotcakes


    Dude all.u do is post trump conspiracies all day then call us conspiracy theorists.lmao. Please stfu
    #24     May 9, 2018
  5. exGOPer


    Right, news confirmed by multiple sources that Trump's own people aren't denying or trying to spin it is 'conspiracy'

    If only my sources were Breitbart, ZeroHedge and Infowars like other right wingers on the board, then you would appreciate me for the hard hitting news and analysis.
    #25     May 9, 2018
  6. exGOPer


    So Sessions is compromised, Wray is compromised and Trump won't lift a finger to fire these big Trump supporters because?
    #26     May 9, 2018
  7. bone


    Ummm, because the Dems will shit all over anyone he puts forward as a replacement so why bother. Come up with anything constructive for the mid-terms yet or is resist Trump all you got ?
    #27     May 9, 2018
    Hotcakes likes this.
  8. The Republican non 1%er's still don't believe the Donald is following the Republican Playbook of tax cuts for the rich and adjusting policies that benefit the oil and defense industries. That playbook is the Establishment or this mythical Deep State. At what point do the non 1%er's realize they're on a plantation that doesn't benefit them?
    #28     May 9, 2018
    TRS and Tony Stark like this.
  9. exGOPer


    Nominees are being confirmed with a simple majority, Wray was confirmed with many Dems supporting him so this nonsense won't fly. And thanks for your concern for the mid-terms, going by evidence it's not the Dems that have to worry.
    #29     May 9, 2018
  10. jem


    more straw man b.s.

    many republicans state over and over the establishment screws the base over and over.... including the lack of tax cuts for the working people. Especially in blue states.

    unlike dems, many conservatives and libertarians who have to vote for republicans are very critical of the party who is supposed to represent us.

    #30     May 9, 2018