ASYS CFO Buys in during 15% sell-off

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by einai, May 15, 2008.

  1. einai


  2. First off it was only 2000 shares! hardly worth a thread and the shmuck only owns 8000 you may own more! But lets cut to the chase... how do you have real time sec filings!!!! Yikes I could do some damage if I had access to your computer for a while. Usually my insider info is a week late or at the least two days that's dated today! God I've been signing all my checks May 11 today, I can't believe it's the 15th already! I know ASYS pretty well it trades well you'll do fine... I'll research that earnings miss tonight. ~ stoney
  3. einai


    Sure it's not much. On the other hand, it was a big selloff, so that's enough for me to conclude that a decent bottom is in.

    Re the SEC filings: don't have real time, but I do look through the new listings now and again to see if anything interesting has been filed.

  4. David, what service do you like to use for REAL-TIME SEC alerts?
  5. einai


    Oh, and thanks for the reassurance on the stock Stoney - it's always nice to hear a second opinion.

  6. einai


    Landis - think you posted at the same time as me.

    I just use the SEC site and browse recent filings.


  7. I wouldn't touch it
  8. einai


    Why not? Just curious.
