As a McCain supporter this still made me chuckle

Discussion in 'Politics' started by huh, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. it is hard to feel racist in any way, when Obama is getting > 90% of the black vote, BECAUSE he is black.

    Did Hilary or will Palin get > 90% of the female vote or the white vote?

    Will McCain get > 90% of the senior vote?

    NO!!! The real racists is the black voters, piling onto an inexperienced man JUST because he is black.
    #21     Sep 17, 2008
  2. huh


    It is true that there are a lot of the african american votes will go to Obama simply because he is african american but on that same note there will be a significant amount of votes that will go to McCain because he is white. I've heard sooo much ignorant stuff said about Obama based on his skin color, the sound of his name, or the incorrect ASSUMPTION that he is muslim and there will be people that will not vote for him for those 3 reasons and not because of his stupid policies. So to me it seems to be just as stupid to vote for him because he's black as it is to not vote for him because he's black and we'll get both of those.

    I understand thats how it is but what I object to is the view that if Obama wins that all the stereotypical african american things are going to occur. Suddenly there are going to be gangsta's roaming up and down the whitehouse and Obama is gonna borrow Bernankes helicopter and drop bags of cash into the ghettos and all the other ignorant crap.

    Fact of the matter is that he will fail the same way as bush not because of his skin color, or his name, or his religion, but because they have been handed a government that does not know how to balance a check book and frankly do not care about the consequences of their actions or inactions.
    #22     Sep 17, 2008
  3. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Tah Dah!
    #23     Sep 17, 2008
  4. Yannis



    "There appears to be a gap of between 10 and 20 points between how voters see the parties and what they think of the candidates. Between one-tenth and one-fifth of America’s voters feel that the Democratic Party would be the best for the country but like the McCain-Palin ticket better.

    • By seven points, they identify as Democrats more than Republicans. But by 16 points, they say that if they faced the “toughest decision of your life” they would go to McCain rather than Obama for advice.

    • They think the Democrats will do better on healthcare by 19 points, but by 20 points they think McCain is more qualified than Obama to be president.

    • They prefer the Democrats to deal with the economy by four points (down from 10 a few months ago) but feel — by eight points — that the Republicans better understand what it is like to live day by day in America.

    • While they are more likely to vote Democrat for Congress, they rate Obama as more of a talker than a doer by 20 points and rate McCain the opposite by 15 and, by nine points, they think the Republican ticket has the better judgment than the Democratic nominees.

    If this were a nonpartisan mayoral election, McCain would win in a walk. If this were a European-style proportional representation contest, Obama would be the next president by a good margin. But our system is a unique fusion, of course, of the two — a decision on the candidate and on the party.

    How odd that Obama, with a world-class personality and an incredibly charismatic speaking style, should be losing the mano-a-mano contest to McCain, who is 25 years older and a foot shorter. But McCain has opened up a decisive lead over Obama, actually using the Democrat’s articulateness against him. Asked in the Fox News poll whether each candidate is a “talker” or a “doer,” voters perceive Obama as more of a talker by 15 points and see McCain as more of a doer by 24 points.

    This kind of gap in the assessment of the candidates shows dramatically what a steep hill Obama has yet to climb. But the fact that the very same sample on the Fox News poll turned right around and voted for McCain by only three points shows how skewed the party preference is against McCain.

    In effect, a lot of Democrats and independents are saying we trust McCain more, he has better judgment, he is more of a doer, and we think he’s more qualified — but we are going to vote for Obama because he is a Democrat and we agree with his party more on healthcare, energy and the economy.

    Such a dichotomy is an unnatural political situation. Since 2000, we have become accustomed to 50-50 politics with each side holding its red states or blue ones close to its vest with few voters in the no man’s land in between. But the portrait that emerges from the polling is quite different. It is a consensus on how much water there is in the glass. The only difference is whether to see it as half-empty or half-full!

    What will prevail? Party or candidate? It’s hard to tell. But debates are between people, not parties, and it is the three debates that will probably determine the outcome of this race."
    #24     Sep 17, 2008
  5. huh


    As much as I hate to admit it I think Dickie has this right. Most likely I will be voting demotratic for congress and voting McCain for president. Its basically a no confidence vote against the republicans and a no confidence vote against Obama.

    #25     Sep 17, 2008
  6. would Colon Powell have had the same effect? I doubt it. al sharpton has never even won a primary race. jesse jackson won SC but thats about it.

    theres no doubt that blacks are excited about having a black candidate but to say thats the only factor is probably just anger on your part...
    #26     Sep 20, 2008
  7. Probably? I would say that his anger is pretty clear in its motivations, given that Obama ran against Alan Keyes in Illinois. Keyes is also black. So his claim that blacks are voting for Obama solely because he's black is quite absurd given that the black vote wasn't split at all.

    And then there's the whole problem with the federal Republicans not having a single black elected congressman right now.
    #27     Sep 20, 2008