As a McCain supporter this still made me chuckle

Discussion in 'Politics' started by huh, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. Allen3


    Yeah, it was pretty hilarious seeing some of my truly liberal friends heads spin. They were just down right confusedly angry. Made absolutely no sense , but were sure that she was the devil.

    Agree on the econ stuff. People are just starting to get how shaky things are. They still have yet to panic. I don't know anyone, accept for my parents and one brother that listened to me last year, that have moved for the exits. Should be interesting for the next year or so. If any of us have money there could be a good buying op.:D

    Ahh... I wish there was a third party and financial education in this country.

    oh well. Be well and enjoy life as you can.

    #11     Sep 16, 2008
  2. dave74


    I'm increasing my Obama contracts on Intrade.

    If Obama loses, I lose a small stake, and America gets a real president in John McCain. If Obama wins, I'll make some money.

    It's a win win.
    #12     Sep 16, 2008
  3. piezoe


    Zones, don't take this as a rebuke of your opinion, you could be right. But I think it is equally likely, if not more so, that should Obama become president, the results will be the exact opposite of what you predict above. Obama is "whiter" than just about anyone, and i just don't see black folks being pampered under an Obama Presidency, at least not the stereotypical black person. I mean he has already called for black males to start living up to their responsibilities. You're never going to hear that from a white- skinned mainstream candidate.
    #13     Sep 16, 2008
  4. If Obama becomes president, I guarantee that 90% of all the mail that comes across his desk will be from correctional institutions and all the letters will look like this...


    hows about hookin' a brotha up wit a presidential pardon, you know what I'm talking about?

    #14     Sep 16, 2008
  5. same thing already happens just with better grammar and names like "scooter". and guess what, they get there pardons granted..
    #15     Sep 16, 2008
  6. #16     Sep 16, 2008
  7. Mr Pain

    Mr Pain

    Are you saying that you question if a 44 year old woman 8 months pregnant with a high risk pregnancy had her water break in Texas, then gave a speech, flew to Seattle, change planes, flew to Alaska, bypassed the two major hospitals there to drive to Wassila to have the GP, who is not an obgyn deliver her baby without a birth certificate on a Friday, return to work Monday and give the Dr a State position story?

    How un-American you are. She won't release her records because of HATERS like you. You should be ashamed. Palin is president in 9 months she will get you.
    #17     Sep 16, 2008
  8. Allen3


    Uhmm... Their career would be over and they would be labeled the grand master of the KKK. Probably be in court for the next three years defending sexual harassment charges. What country are you living in?!

    That Obama has started discussing this in politics is admirable. I think it's a really good sign that he hasn't been thrown under the bus the way Bill Cosby was. I do how ever worry about what will happen if Obama doesn't win.

    I've already been called a racist by a couple white liberal friends because I don't want to vote for Barack. I don't want to vote for McCain either but that makes no difference to them. We shall see what the lay of the land is when the political smoke clears.:confused:

    #18     Sep 17, 2008
  9. huh


    I swear I'm the only non Obama voting person that I know. I'll sitdown and its like they purposely bring up politics like they are trying to "convert" me to joining the Obama nation and it just soooo frustrates them that I'm not gettin' in line.

    They tell me all these great things that Obama wants to do and all I ask is how is he going to pay for them....and you can hear the silence and the crickets classic. Then of course the only response they can muster up is that I'm ignorant and selfish if money is the reason I'm not voting Obama.

    These are the same bozos that whine and bitch everyday that their precious 401K is down 20%....well I'm down less than 2% and still have 85% of my 401K money in cash that I am now starting to whose ignorant now!!! :D

    Anyway, people need to start paying attention to the economy around them and figure out how they can protect themselves and look for ways to take advantage of the situation rather than hoping and praying that McCain or Obama are gonna come in with their clueless economic policies and save them.

    Gotta succeed DESPITE the gummint in this country not because of it.
    #19     Sep 17, 2008
  10. huh


    I do have to say that I am pretty offended that people assume that if Obama wins then suddenly the presidential fleet is gonna have rims on their cars that keep spinning....and rap music is gonna become the new national brand of music.....and suddenly all this special treatment is going to be given to african americans, I have yet to see ANY PROOF or argument to back this up.

    And frankly if special treatment is still given based on skin color in washington then whats worse, a corrupt african american giving out handouts to other african americans which is 10% of the population or a corrupt white dude giving out handouts to 90% of the population?
    #20     Sep 17, 2008