Article By Pabst

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. #71     Apr 21, 2008
  2. Absolutely my words.

    In fact here's my letter today to the Chicago Tribune:

    "Forget for a moment the names Wright, Rezko and Ayers. Let's ignore distractions like lack of experience, flag pins and bitter. After all to a slight majority of primary voters Obama's questionable relationships and gaffes are unimportant. When a politician of color is heralded as this generations great uniter why quibble over relatively unimportant flaws? The question remains though, what has Barrack Obama accomplished as either a legislator or community activist that makes him qualified to
    be President?

    As Obama stumps across the country carrying his message of “change” we see nary a footprint of betterment in any of his previous arenas. Obama's recent score at a Pennsylvania bowling alley just about equals the number of African-Americans and Latinos who are shot in a typical week of Chicago violence. Just this year-the year of Obamamania- 25 Chicago school children have been murdered in gang shootings. While the man who would be king ignores his core constituency, his adopted city
    burns. If Chicago minorities, those who should be the most excited about Obama's Quixote quest for global leadership can't lay down their prohibited handguns, then what are Obama's credentials for disarming rogue nuclear nations? Wouldn't an Obama led anti-violence initiative in Chicago be more beneficial to race relations than last months insipid throw grandmother under the bus speech?

    Obama's legislative career is just as spotty. Democrats in Springfield enjoyed a veto proof majority throughout Obamas tenure as state Senator yet Illinois remains mired in budget shortfalls, high taxes and rising unemployment. Would any sane Illinois voter give the Illinois legislature anything other than
    a failing grade for their fiscally destructive policies over the past decade? Obama left Springfield like a rat on a sinking ship. Instead of providing solutions he left town for the next big thing.

    Obama's lack of record in the U.S. Senate is similar. He's a member of the majority Party yet he's failed to introduce a single peice of legislation concerning any of his pet issues including Iraq and NAFTA. Other than being a hard working perma-campaigner, Obama seemingly has little stomach for the nuts and bolts of crafting “change” through the legislative process.

    The vetting by the media of Obama has been vastly incomplete, mired by inane references to race and his opponents gender. Meanwhile we see newspapers and politicians endorse a man they hardly know for the worlds single most important job. As a Republican I'm excited about John McCains opportunity to campaign against Obamas obvious shortcomings. The electoral process though would be better served to see some of these pertinent criticisms addressed in mainstream publications prior to the Democrat's being saddled with such an ultimately flawed candidate."
    #72     Apr 21, 2008
  3. Untruth? LOL.

    To bigots like you, your bigoted view of other people IS the truth.

    According to you, "Obama is a half breed who grew up in Hawaii."

    Of course, you'd see nothing wrong with using offensive slurs against your standing senator, since it is, in your own closed mind, the truth.

    When you ran for political office, did you speak about courting the "half breed" vote too?

    Or did you act like you gave a s#*% about everyone?

    Live by the sword, die by the sword. :)
    #73     Apr 21, 2008


    Pa(b)st Prime for PRESIDENT!!!!!! I love it! I support your point of view 100%

    When people don't know anything they always call the "racist" card. I don't find anything racist in your posts! Don't be upset, ET is full of smocks!
    #74     Apr 21, 2008

  5. LOL…..I’ve asked the very same question numerous times. All I ever got was shuck and jive evasive back-peddling drivel followed with multiple postings of worthless irrelevant after the fact charts showing squiggly lines stacked five deep. Oh, and let’s not forget those wonderful colored charts posted as well in all their full psychedelic glory. But the fact remains, the indicator pundits never provide a 'squiggly line' record of profitability as asked. Could it be they can't? It seems so. :)

    That being said, your article is dead on. The responses within this thread definitely expose those who are the real deal and those who are merely play acting.

    I enjoy your postings; keep them coming. It isn’t easy being right when those against you are brainwashed into being correct.


    #75     Apr 21, 2008

  6. DITTO!!!!!!

    The far left loons always go to one of two wells when they are losing an argument: "You're a Nazi/Fascist, or racist/bigot."

    #76     Apr 21, 2008
  7. asap


    i just cant figure out the whole ideia of hijacking an interesting thread about trading and turning it into a pointless discussion about nazis and bigots. but hey that is the beauty of ET. it has the midas touch. :D
    #77     Apr 21, 2008
  8. I'll give you one better. Most everyone who came on here and took a shot at me about the content of my article has had a political "beef" with me on other unrelated threads. Looozer libs.....
    #78     Apr 21, 2008

  9. Good point!! Unfortunately, left-wingers who view others as being anti-PC believe it is their duty to discredit those people at any cost, whenever and wherever they can. Therefore, anything posted on any thread by a perceived anti-PCer, regardless of how true, accurate, or valid, must be attacked. The real question is if the speech of so-called white nationalists and rightwing conservatives is so ridiculous and false, why do the lefties get so angry and insulting when all they have to do is reply with facts and logic to prove the 'anti-PC' poster wrong? Why do the lefties instead resort to spamming threads with gibberish posts and try to have postings they don't like censored? The only plausible answer is that they are afraid of the truth, thus, the hijacking.

    Now, let's get this thread back to its regular scheduled topic.

    #79     Apr 21, 2008
  10. "Feel free to discuss, flame and disagree."

    Those were your words Pabst, your words.

    I honestly hope you don't think I was "taking a shot at you" when I both prefaced and ended my critique with "good article". :eek:
    Hey you know, it's amazing how everyone who criticizes your aritcles, or your using Elite Trader to further your agenda of starting your website/vendor service is presented as actually having a "race agenda".

    I mean, WTF!?? :confused:

    That's as pathetic as a person of color using the "race card" to further your own agenda when you can't do business in the proscribed methods (i.e., become a sponsor uh, HELLO, it shouldn't be that much considering all of your millions) or handle someone criticizing their efforts.

    I find it fascinating that you are allowed to continue promoting your business venture for free, when austinp (not that I'm getting him into this mess) has written far more cogent and articles for traders and trading on this board than have come out of your pen, but his work gets that automatic deletion button in a minute.

    Ah, nothing like cronyism and favortism to smooth the path. :D
    #80     Apr 21, 2008