ART banned?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by spect8or, May 4, 2004.

  1. So you're saying that one must be a competitive swimmer to get into the seals? Not a good swimmer, or strong swimmer, one must have previous experience with competitive college level swimming?
    #61     May 4, 2004
  2. Maverick74


    Yes, that is what I am saying. Now, before people jump all over me, I am not saying it is impossible for a well rounded athlete who is in peak physical shape but has some swimming background, maybe not competitive swimming, but some swimming background, maybe, there are a few of those guys. But it's few and far between.

    Why do I say this? Because look, it's like anything else in life, all these guys are competing against each other for a few slots, and I mean a few slots. So if some avg Joe is competing against a competitive swimmer, he is going to get his clock cleaned.

    Take a look at that link I provided, most of the stuff they do involves the water with running being the main exception. However most swimmers have great endurance so running is not a problem. There is no way some guy off the street is going to do the 5 freaking mile ocean swim in San Diego, CA where they do it and beat a competitive swimmer, no freaking way.

    You know what they do? They take out out in a chopper and drop you into the ice cold water 5 miles off the coast and tell you to swim in. Now, I don't know how much swimming you have done in your life, I have done a little bit, all recreational, and I can tell you, that swimming in 5 miles off the coast, by the way it's timed, is pretty freaking hard.

    You have to deal with the waves, the tide, which is trying to pull you back out, the cold water, which creates muscle cramps, and you have to have the speed and the endurance to get to the beach and beat everyone else to it!!!!!!! Do you have any idea how hard that is?

    I don't know if we have any competitive swimmers on ET, but that is very very hard. Some guy off the street is not even going to come close to even making, not to mention beating the time of a competitive swimmer. Seriously dude, re-think your argument.
    #62     May 4, 2004

  3. LOL!
    #63     May 4, 2004

  4. LMAO!
    #64     May 4, 2004
  5. LOL and LMAO!
    #65     May 4, 2004
  6. In defense of the seals I wiould have to wholeheartedly disagree with the premise the rowenwood is advocating. I have met and known several potential, current, and former memebers of the seals. They were all extremely well grouded people that showed and exhibited no more desire to kill a person than you or me. What they did all have in common was an intense drive and were all among the most competitive people you will ever meet.

    People who become seals or ony other elite force memeber do not do it to kill; they do it for the competitiion and challenge that it provides. It just happens that they operate in an environment were if they do not kill enemy the enemy will kill them. They kill out of necissity not necessarilly desire.

    Furthermore, if a person was a die hard killer then they most likely would not be admitted into the seals. You have to be mentally stable on order to operate under the pressure these guys do or else you are a danger to yourself, your team, adn the success of the mission. If you signed up to kill you would be weeded out very early.

    Maybe you ought to take the time to actually get to know some on a personal level. You will find that you assertation is quite wrong.
    #66     May 4, 2004
  7. Maverick74


    Look at it this way. Your argument would be like me saying that a well rounded athlete should be able to go to the Olympics and win the 400 meter swim against a guy that has be training his entire life for just that event. No way!!!!! Will never happen. Swimmers have a distinct edge getting into the Seals over the average Joe. Now, if we outlawed swimmers from joining the Seals, then you may have an argument, because you would have average joe's competing against average Joes, in the water. However, that is not the case. You have average Joe's who idea of swimming is probably going to Daytona Beach for spring break competing against collegiate Swimmers that probably have won tens of swimming events at a very competitive level their whole life. I'm sorry man, ain't going to happen.
    #67     May 4, 2004
  8. Maybe you're Maverick74.
    #68     May 4, 2004

  9. LOL!
    #69     May 4, 2004
  10. Maverick74


    What? Are you out of arguments? LOL. I didn't think you would fall so fast. I am beside myself.
    #70     May 4, 2004