Arnold on the rise!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, May 22, 2004.

  1. Hey, no problem.

    But atleast from this point on, starting now at YEAR 25 you can stop talking out of your ass!

    #51     Jun 3, 2004
  2. No, Mav.

    I brought your good buddy President George "Dumya" Bush into the conversation because you have never once criticized him for spending our money in BUDGET DEFICITS from here to eternity!

    You back him up, every single time, and yet this seems to be quite a hypocrasy when compared to those core conservative beliefs that you have about the government spending the public's money. Again, you don't seem to have a problem with this, but of course that doesn't stop you from adding your two cents about the 1960 Master Plan for California's college education system that you know nothing about.

    Good work, man.
    #52     Jun 3, 2004
  3. Turok


    He thinks I was serious.


    PS: How can you NOT know that the 1960 master plan is over 40 years old? And when was the war of 1812 fought?

    #53     Jun 3, 2004
  4. Maverick74


    Waggie, turok is right about you. You do like to put words in other people's mouth. Please use the search button and find one single post of mine where I said I was proud of Bush's fiscal restraint. LOL. Seriously man, surely I must have at least one post out of 3000 that says that right? I like how you use the same tactic on Turok to win your argument then you pull the same shit with me. Seriously man, show me this post where I specifically say I am proud of Bush's fiscal restraint. This ought to be really good. LOL. I'm waiting!
    #54     Jun 3, 2004
  5. Maverick74


    Well, I guess Waggie couldn't find one single post where I said I was proud of George Bush's fiscal restraint. LOL. Figures.
    #55     Jun 3, 2004
  6. How ironic that Congress and top Republicans took the recent $25 Billion dollar Supplemental for more military spending beginning October 1st and the BLANK CHECK that Bush wanted for himself away from the Bush Administration.

    Bush wanted "complete" discretion on where the entire $25 billion went, and Congress and top Republicans said, "No way, Jose!"

    Instead, the Senate voted 95-0 to give Bush and the White House discretion on only 10% of the total supplemental.
    #56     Jun 3, 2004
  7. Maverick74


    Waggie, you continue to dodge my question. Are you scared or something? Show me one post where I said Bush is showing fiscal restraint. Just one post. Waggie, this should be easy if you are telling the truth about me. Come on man. You sure know how to talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?
    #57     Jun 3, 2004
  8. I stand by what I said earlier.

    You do not seem to have a problem with the fact that the George Bush is ringing up tremendous budget deficits and shows no sign of restraint. You also have spoken many times about having a core belief and how important it is to stick by it and the party that espouses that. You are also on record as having stated that you would not give up federal income taxes, at the expense of your principles and core beliefs. You talk about principles and how you would be willing to pay more taxes if that would end "abortion" in this country . . . How convenient.

    By continuing to defend and support George Bush, I can only assume that fiscal-restraint IS NOT A SIGNIFICANT COMPONENT OF YOUR CORE BELIEFS.

    You obviously cannot see the hypocrasy in your own belief system and your defense of George Bush.
    #58     Jun 3, 2004
  9. Maverick74


    Ohhhhhhhhh. So you now you change your statement. Oh man, I just love that Waggie. So you admit that you lied earlier and now you go back and amend your statement. Oh man, you pulled a Waggie. LOL. Waggie, you can't assume anything just because I don't say anything.

    I have condemned Bush's spending on here several times. I also went on record saying that the only thing I like about the Bush administration is his foreign policy directive. I am 100% in support of him on the war on terrorism and in Iraq and that is my primary reason for supporting Bush. I have never ever made the statement on ET that I was proud of anything else Bush has done outside foreign policy.

    If you didn't have so much freaking hate in your veins for this guy you would be able to see this. But instead you like to put words in my mouth and in others. How classic of you Waggie. What a joke you are. One pathetic joke. Freaking conservative my ass. You wouldn't know what a conservative was if one bit you on the ass. Just admit it once and for all. You are freaking card carrying bay area liberal and you don't have one conservative bone in your body. Let's just put this to rest and move on.
    #59     Jun 3, 2004
  10. Why don't you stop putting words in my mouth and show me a couple of YOUR posts where YOU CRITICIZE BUSH for his spend, spend, spend philosophy and the huge budget deficits that he is running up?

    For someone that states that the only thing that you like about the Bush Administration is his foreign policy directive, you sure do defend him a lot. If that is the only thing that you like about the guy, then why are you ALWAYS posting remarks, articles, and creating threads that show your support of President Bush?

    Come on Mav, quit hiding behind your typical rhetoric and just come out and tell everyone here on ET that you LOVE GEORGE W. BUSH! Otherwise, you are the biggest hypocrit on this entire website.

    #60     Jun 3, 2004