Arizona woman allegedly hit with car by Iraqi father dies

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TraderZones, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. That culture is the man control everything. So much control they brainwash women and men. They brainwash women and men to kill their children. They brainswash men to kill their sister, wife, daughter for some stupid god. So sad they have so much fear of something that is no real.
    #21     Nov 3, 2009
  2. sjfan


    What in the world are you talking about? Drunk driving is also a huge problem in England, in Russia, in China, amongst other places. No one in the US thinks drunk driving isn't a problem. The issue at hand is that this "father" hides behind his religion/culture (or some distortion of it) as justification.

    I'm hoping you are just being either willfully dense or a troll, because the alternative - that your hate for America blinds you complete to the reality at large - is far sadder.

    #22     Nov 4, 2009
  3. The real issue is your hatred of Muslim culture and thinking the American culture is superior, so that Americans don't really need to focus on our own honest for once.

    By wasting time focusing on what Americans can't control, and ignoring what Americans can control, our real problems are not addressed nor solved by the likes of jingoists like you.

    Oh what a shock, the "that your hate for America blinds you complete to the reality at large - is far sadder" train of thought...

    The reality at large dummy is that more people are killed by drunk drivers in America than Muslims are killing their daughters in cars, more people are killed in domestic violence issues with guns...yet America does not take steps to increase the penalty for first time DUI or gun violence, does not implement the technology we have to eliminate drunk driving or gun control, and isn't about to stop the stoppable practice of drunk driving or preventing gun deaths...

    Our culture has problems that can be fixed, yet your minuscule jingoistic brain wraps itself around an isolated incident by a crazy Muslim?

    One sick piece of crap you are...

    #23     Nov 4, 2009
  4. sjfan


    And more people die of heart attacks. What is your point, exactly? So our level of indignation should be correlated with the number of victims rather than the extra-ordinariness of the act?

    Moreover, what exactly does expressing outrage over an unusual and abhorrent murder have to do with drunk driving? Has anyone here said that drunk driving is justified?

    Finally, in what world do you live in that DUI isn't taken seriously? DUI penalties have gone steadily up over the last few decades to a fairly stringent point (eg, you lose your car; and if you kill someone, you go to jail for murder; the only thing that goes further is to institute a death penalty).

    You also ignore my point that DUI isn't exactly only a US problem. It's a basic issue that when people are given a certain amount of rights and liberty, some will act irresponsibly. The choice is either (1) punish those who act irresponsibly, or (2) let them spoil the party and take liberty away from everyone. You seem to be advocating the second. Go fuck yourself.

    #24     Nov 4, 2009
  5. Lucrum


    ZZzzz/Optional's usual change the subject tactic. Obviously there is no defense for the Muslim POS who murdered his daughter, so he changed the subject.

    (He like Muslim's, they both approve of sex with children)
    #25     Nov 4, 2009
  6. My point is that our own culture is genuinely fucked up, so any time wasted in evaluating and criticizing another culture so that we could feel superior or okay about own own fucked up culture is a sure indicator of mental illness...

    ...which is probably why the right wing spend so much of their mentally ill time bashing other cultures and ignoring the problems in our own culture.

    #26     Nov 4, 2009