Arizona Sheriff: Won’t Enforce Immigration Law

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hermit, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, a 52-year police veteran, says the new Arizona anti-immigration law will lead to racial profiling. Dupnik refuses to enforce it, and calls the law “racist, disgusting, and unnecessary.”

    The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn’t comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. “So we’re kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don’t situation. It’s just a stupid law.”

    Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. “If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they’re going to do it. They’ll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that’s not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney.”
  2. He should, at a minimum, be relieved of his duties. I'd have him thrown in prison. Illegal immigration is a greater threat to our nation than radical Islam. What would he get if he allowed known Islamic terrorists to walk the street? Jail! He should get the same for allowing known illegals to walk the street.
  3. Ricter


    I don't think he meant "known" illegals. His issue is with determining in the first place who is legal, and who is not.
  4. This law will be challenged big time and if that dosent succeed, the federal govt will come down hard and crush it.
  5. Racial profiling for sure. Everything the sheriff says is true.

    "Look! There goes a Mexican driving in his car. Let's say he has a faulty taillight and check his papers."

    This law will do nothing to help illegal immigration.
  6. 377OHMS


    Yeah, Mr. Obama might use harsh language. So effing what?

    He might cut federal highway funding to Arizona. Arizona can erect toll-booths and charge all out-of-state traffic (trucks) to transit the state. Tit for Tat.

    I think Obama is screwed. Already Texas, Utah and even California lawmakers are discussing enacting similar legislation. I've never seen Los Angeles or San Fransisco run away from their sanctuary policies so fast. Its amazing.

    Mexico is screwed six ways to Sunday. They could end up a "failed-state", something like Somalia only with better food and good beer.
  7. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    Racist? Inevitably.
    Disgusting? Subjectively.

    Wait. So then he has a demonstrably viable alternative that somehow got passed over when deciding what to do? I didn't see it in the article. Surely it must exist for this man to be so passionate and definite concerning the issue to call the law "unnecessary."

    Anyone have the sheriff's necessary solution that this article failed to mention? You know how details are sometimes left out when reporting facts...
  8. Ricter


    No way is Mexico "screwed", imho. They grow a great deal of food year-round, they have (relatively) cheap labor, and the supply chain to them is short. Not to mention the prop winter tourism gives.
  9. There are other ways to solve this problem and if you think this will affect hispanics only, then remember...

    "THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

    THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    THEN THEY CAME for me
    and by that time no one was left to speak up."

    -Martin Niemöller
  10. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    Very poignant quote.

    Now then, what would those other viable ways be? Or are you saying, "there's just got to be a better way" in a rhetorical manner?

    Don't get me wrong. I've given thoughts to other, better, ways. But the problem is, so have many before me and likely after me only to find that there are considerable roadblocks to implementation of these better ideas. Namely, politics. Politicians, political parties, political contributions, political machines, political sympathies, politicization, and of course... political correctness.

    Arizona jumped over those roadblocks, for better or for worse, which in turn opens up serious dialogue on the issue. While it might ultimately be overturned or repealed, it serves as a necessary wake up call on many fronts.
    #10     Apr 29, 2010