Arizona nonprofit admits laundering millions for out-of-state Republican groups

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Those are all valid reasons as to why these guys would do it. Honestly, what percentage of actual traders do you think would vote Obama? I bet the percentage is incredibly lopsided to the GOP (notwithstanding the 2008 election) OR libertarian.

    So the idea that a whole slew of libs just happened to descend upon a trading message board is ludicrous. The fact that we always get a whole new group of liberals that just "happened" to find this message board and immediately find their way to P&R is equally ridiculous.

    Besides, pspr has caught a few of these guys red-handed...even that coward Ricter who created his own sock puppet to create "consensus".
    #11     Nov 6, 2012
  2. Oh yeah, the whole "balance" charade again.

    I think you should try to find some "balance" with the fucked up neurochemistry in your brain.

    I'd bet Henderson, NV has plenty of facilities for whatever ails you.
    #12     Nov 6, 2012
  3. exGOPer


    What's with all the namecalling? :confused:
    #13     Nov 6, 2012