Arizona New World Order. "Sir are your papers in order"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. "Yes, there are numerous black tea party supporters"

    Just post the photos from Teagagger conventions where the numerous black supporters can be seen...

    "No, "the south" didn't support segregation.

    Yes, you "amended" (ie flip flopped) to will."

    You consider amending a flip flop?

    Whatever...then amending the Constitution is flip flopping...

    Mistakes are amended, flip flop is altering a position to the opposite value.

    You really must feel beating down if you are picking at nits...

    #41     Apr 25, 2010
  2. Neither.

    States didn't fight the Civil War. People did.

    In Ohio, people fought on both sides of the conflict. Occassionally, one son fought for the North, while another son fought on the side of the South. I'd imagine New York had a similar experience with its citizens.

    Judging by the NYC Anti-Draft riots of 1863, I'd say some weren't pleased to be fighting at all.

    - Spydertrader
    #42     Apr 25, 2010
  3. Dude, get some new lines because this one is making me yawn.
    #43     Apr 25, 2010
  4. "States didn't fight the Civil War. People did."

    So you want to be difficult?


    And did the majority of the people of the the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland choose to fight for the Union, or did they fight for the scum sucking Dixie loving Confederates?

    Did the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland side with the scum sucking slave states of the South?

    #44     Apr 25, 2010
  5. Why get new lines when the old ones are still true?

    #45     Apr 25, 2010
  6. Well, the majority of people in these states didn't fight at all. Women, Males too young, or too old were excluded from the battlefield. And (as I mentioned) there was a draft. Someone drafted into military service isn't choosing to fight for (or against) anybody.

    - Spydertrader
    #46     Apr 25, 2010
  7. Yes, clearly a bunch of racists :D

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    #47     Apr 25, 2010
  8. Yes, proof that the civil war wasnt fought over slavery. Many slave states participated in fighting against the south!
    #48     Apr 25, 2010
  9. And following your "logic" America and the allied forces didn't win WWII...a minority of the people living in America and the allied countries did...

    Apparently the lunacy of Jack Hershey is contagious...

    ...and yes, if you someone is drafted, they choose to fight...or they choose to go to brig, etc.

    So since there is a choice, a person drafted who fights does indeed choose to fight...

    #49     Apr 25, 2010
  10. On a percentage basis based on your photos, what percent of the teabagger supporters are black?

    You claimed numerous black teabagger suppoters, I don't see numerous. I see a scant few...less than 5%.

    Now if you want to amend your position from "numerous" to a very small percentage...I would not call that a flip flop...I would just call it correcting an obvious mistake.

    #50     Apr 25, 2010